Barack Obama Not Worthy Of A Single Jewish Vote
Life Under Obama-How Far Have We Come?
Obama Still Struggling With African-Americans?
After Debate, Obama Campaign Signals ‘Adjustments’
More Obama Videos Reveal His Disturbing Drive For Further Division
Video: Obama Campaign Admits That Its $5 Trillion Tax Cut Attack Is Bogus
Building That: Poland vs. Obama
Obamas Jizya
Obama’s Big Whimper: Four Big Surprises From the Denver Debate
Obama pays price for ducking the questions
Former CIA Official: Obama ‘October Surprise’ Airstrike in Libya ‘Would Be Criminal’
Obama Raises $150M in September, Tries to Block ‘Blockbuster’ Donor Scandal
Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?
Revolt of the Spooks
The Emperor is naked
Only 30 more days to go
Obama’s Waterloo
Obama manipulates jobs report to fabricate 7.8% jobless rate
Obama epitomizes “uncool”
Obama’s purchase of prison to house Gitmo terrorists angers lawmaker
Obama to Coal Miners: “McDonalds is Hiring!”