Monday, October 29, 2012

My Article Read (10-28-2012)


  1. No Tasteless Political Jokes at Left's Expense as Hurricane Sandy Approaches Blue States

  2. Issa Benghazi Transcript


  4. Nahum 1:6-11

  5. Daily Read – October 28

  6. The best political ad of this campaign: These Hands

  7. Hey Joe Biden! Getting someone's name right is a Big F'ing Deal

  8. Another "First Time" Parody: Your First Time PARODY

  9. Madonna gets booed at concert after urging fans to vote for Obama..

  10. Holy Hell This Is The Creepiest Political Ad Ever…

  11. Quote Of The Day

  12. Real, Honest-To-Goodness Heroes

  13. Another slam on Lena Dunham...

  14. The Perfect Storm update

  15. The Bishop of Green Bay Speaks Out..I agree with him...

  16. Green Bay bishop urges parishioners to vote against candidates who support abortion, gay marriage

  17. Jefferson County ‘Democrat Of The Year’ Convicted Of Felony Theft

  18. Former National Security Adviser Bud McFarlane: For Obama to Do Nothing During Benghazi Attack is “Dereliction of Duty” (Video)

  19. Top AFRICOM Leader General Carter Ham Was Never Ordered to Save US Men in Benghazi (Video)

  20. Bing West Doubles Down: There WAS NO PRESIDENTIAL ORDER to Secure Benghazi Consulate (Video)

  21. Dem Senator Udall Balks – Won’t Say If Benghazi Drones Were Armed (Video)

  22. BOOM! Senator Portman: We Need to Find Out If Obama Ever Issued the Order to Secure Benghazi Consulate …(There was no order)

  23. Conservative Group to Run Ads in Ohio Exposing Barack Obama and Sherrod Brown’s Hostility to US Coal Industry (Video)

  24. MADONNA LOUDLY BOOED After Endorsing Obama at New Orleans Concert (Video)

  25. Nature Is in Motion

  26. The LORD be with you: Blessing, promise, and the Savior...

  27. Hopeful signs

  28. Let’s win this one for the

  29. Another creepy pro-Obama video featuring singing children

  30. Reaganite's Sunday Funnies