God, The Gospel, And Government: Obama Vs. America
Video: Lt. Col. Calls Rush: “White House Can’t Deny Obama Knew About Benghazi Attack Immediately”
Secret Service Calls For Twitter Snitches
The Story of USS Alligator
Newspaper Reports On The USS Alligator
The Smartest 13-Year-Old in America Hands Out Report Cards to the Candidates
Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats
Catholic Bishops Beginning to Unite Publicly
The BIG Wind
Daily Read – October 29
Tracking Sandy (Video)
Israeli Jews prefer Romney to Obama 3-1...
Obama supporters want Hurricane Sandy to blow Romney away...
Anti-Romney Vandalism Also Trending Up
Black Unemployment Much Worse Under Obama Than Reagan
Romney Threats: Why Isn’t The Secret Service Doing Its Job?
Gingrich: Obama Cancels Campaign Trips Due to Hurricane, Didn’t Cancel Them Over Benghazi
McCain Suggests Response To Benghazi Attack Was Worse Than Watergate
Savile Row
I prefer the six monthly warrant of fitness check
Guards at Tomb of the Unknown Will Remain On-Post During Hurricane
Obama Very Offended By Suggestion He Misled Public on Benghazi …(Obama Did Nothing as US Officials Died)
Independent voters tilting increasingly Romneywards
Sandy is a form of Cassandra... Does this storm have any Meaning for you...
Someone Is Mentioning You
Bobby Conner: God's Purposes - We Are In Decisive Days
Disgusting Pro-Obama Ad Exploits Kids
Election Day Empty Chair Countdown – Day 8
One word: Creepy
Romney Obliterating Obama in Latest
CNN/ORC 'Swing States' Poll, 51-43%