Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Article Read (10-29-2012)


  1. God, The Gospel, And Government: Obama Vs. America

  2. Video: Lt. Col. Calls Rush: “White House Can’t Deny Obama Knew About Benghazi Attack Immediately”

  3. Secret Service Calls For Twitter Snitches

  4. The Story of USS Alligator

  5. Newspaper Reports On The USS Alligator

  6. The Smartest 13-Year-Old in America Hands Out Report Cards to the Candidates

  7. Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats

  8. Catholic Bishops Beginning to Unite Publicly


  10. The BIG Wind

  11. Daily Read – October 29

  12. Tracking Sandy (Video)

  13. Israeli Jews prefer Romney to Obama 3-1...

  14. Obama supporters want Hurricane Sandy to blow Romney away...

  15. BEEP....BEEP....BEEP.....

  16. Anti-Romney Vandalism Also Trending Up

  17. Black Unemployment Much Worse Under Obama Than Reagan

  18. Romney Threats: Why Isn’t The Secret Service Doing Its Job?

  19. Gingrich: Obama Cancels Campaign Trips Due to Hurricane, Didn’t Cancel Them Over Benghazi

  20. McCain Suggests Response To Benghazi Attack Was Worse Than Watergate

  21. Savile Row

  22. I prefer the six monthly warrant of fitness check

  23. Guards at Tomb of the Unknown Will Remain On-Post During Hurricane

  24. Obama Very Offended By Suggestion He Misled Public on Benghazi …(Obama Did Nothing as US Officials Died)

  25. Independent voters tilting increasingly Romneywards

  26. Sandy is a form of Cassandra... Does this storm have any Meaning for you...

  27. Someone Is Mentioning You

  28. Bobby Conner: God's Purposes - We Are In Decisive Days

  29. Disgusting Pro-Obama Ad Exploits Kids

  30. Election Day Empty Chair Countdown – Day 8

  31. One word: Creepy

  32. Romney Obliterating Obama in Latest
    CNN/ORC 'Swing States' Poll, 51-43%