'Cooling Out' the Voters
Romney Campaign to Deliver Supplies to Storm Victims
Video: Father Of Slain SEAL To Obama: It’s Better To Die A Hero Than Live A Coward
What Each Of Us Must Do Before Election Day
In a rare break, Washington shuts down for Sandy
Indiana deploys response teams to East Coast
Blonde MEN….Cuz Payback’s A …..
Bret Baier – Benghazi: New Revelations
Ya Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up!
Doing What Americans Do
Daily Read – October 30
Idea for Obama: Take Donald Trumps $5 million and donate it to hurricane Sandy victims
54% still want to repeal Obamacare
Fail: Obama campaign ask people in hurricane path to man campaign phone bank last night
Admiral James Lyons – We Need Full Disclosure On Benghazi NOW
More Shameless Propaganda on Emigration
Mental health and same-sex marriage [UPDATE]
Twice As Many Israelis Favor Romney Over Barack Obama
A Tale of Two Campaigns: Obama Begs Supporters to Make Calls – Romney Asks Supporters to Make Donations to Hurricane Victims
Liberal pundit: Obama’s indifferent to cause greater than himself
HRC refuses to endorse Republican who voted to repeal DADT
Father Of Slain SEAL To Obama: “You Have The Blood Of An American Hero On Your Hands”…
Victoria Boyson: The Enemy's Curses Bring the Blessing...
There is no Comedy in Islam
Thomas Sowell: Telling the truth slowly
'Our baby's the devil'
Expect the Unexpected!
Romney cuts commercial for Mia Love
Sign of the Obamapocalypse? Up just 6 in Oregon
The Presidential Elections
A Tsunami Wave of Revival Is Coming
Quarter-billion-dollar stimulus grant creates just 400 jobs
Halloween gets a cat scan
How to carve a pumpkin with a Glock
Models of Alligator