Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama Drama (10-24-2012)




  2. Obama '12: Big Bird, Binders, and Bayonets

  3. Obama's VA Strategy: Kill Coal, Shrink Navy, Hire Bureaucrats

  4. Obama Refused to Give Interview to Colorado Springs Newspaper

  5. Report: Obama Eager for More Unilateral Executive Actions in Second Term

  6. Obama Refuses to Give On-The-Record Interview to Iowa Newspaper

  7. Thank You for Re-Electing Obama

  8. Obama's gonna need a bigger October Surprise than this

  9. Just in time for Christmas: Obama releases 'second term agenda'

  10. Obama's Vanishing Lead with Women Voters

  11. Obama's weird wit

  12. Obama knew Benghazi was terror immediately

  13. Mr. President, you’ve got Mail!

  14. Obama’s Flexibility With the Russian Navy Before the Election

  15. Liar In Chief!

  16. The Emperor Still Has No Clothes

  17. Busted: Emails prove White House and State Department knew Benghazi was terrorist attack within 2 hours...

  18. Mitt Romney drawing massive crowds...


  20. OBAMA FIDDLED AS BENGHAZI BURNED – President Refused to Call in Troops From Italy One Hour Away

  21. The Blood of Stevens, Smith, Doherty and Woods Is On Obama

  22. Obama Appoints Islamist-Sympathizer With Ties To CAIR To Investigate Benghazi Terror Attack…

  23. Oopsie: Obama’s Attack Ads Boosting Enthusiasm For… Mitt Romney…

  24. Obama: “You Can Take A Videotape Of Things I Said 10-12 Years Ago … And I’m The Same Guy”…

  25. Obama: Under My Administration, “Corporate Profits Have Been At Record Levels”…

  26. Obama’s “New” 18-Page Jobs Booklet Features Nine Giant Photos Of… Barack Obama…

  27. Where the Obama Policy toward Islam is taking us

  28. Obama’s Benghazi Investigator: An Iran Sympathizer

  29. Obama's real record on Israel

  30. Obama's Greatest Foreign Policy Error

  31. Benghazi Conspiracy Points to Obama and Muslim Brotherhood

  32. The President’s Drone Strike Policy: “Murderous?”

  33. Obama: The Master Debater?

  34. E-mails Show Obama Knew What Happened in Benghazi as It Happened, Took No Action to Save Lives -- and Then Lied About It

  35. Obama's Losing Big with Men and Independents

  36. What Obama Could've Done in Libya

  37. What Explains Obama's Libya Lies?

  38. Is it over for Obama?

  39. Ah, Mr. President, about that auto bailout thing…..

  40. Obama's Horses and Bayonets Comment Reveals His Lack of Knowledge About How Our Military of the Future Will Work

  41. Obama’s Second Coming Scrapped!

  42. Obama’s embarrassing 20-page jobs plan for the next four years

  43. October Surprise: Obamas Nearly Divorced

  44. Obama: Obamacare not the "scary monster" the other side painted it as...

  45. Comrade Obama's "Apology Tour"

  46. So Why Politics? Former Aide Says Obama “Really Doesn’t Like People” — Would Be Like Bill Gates Not Liking Computers

  47. Debate 3: Obama Channeled President Richard Nixon?

  48. President Obama's Insulting '2nd Term Agenda' Booklet

  49. Obama’s Dishonesty Continues


  51. BOMBSHELL: President Obama gun-walking arms to jihadis on a massive scale

  52. PROOF OBAMA REGIME LIED ON LIBYA: Were Told Islamic Militants Took Responsibility TWO HOURS After Attack

  53. More On Barry Knowing All About Libya

  54. Obama the Liar

  55. The Three Faces of Obama

  56. Team Obama Uses Puerto Rican Flag To Push Obama’s Plan

  57. Obama Campaign Sends Email Plea From Maya Angelou: ‘Rise Up’

  58. Obama Mugabe

  59. More Evidence Of Obama Lies On Benghazi

  60. Unaccountable-in-Chief: Obama to IA Paper; Only Off the Record

  61. President Obama Denies Purple Heart to Fort Hood Terrorist Attack Victims: Joseph Gilbert

  62. Trashing Obama

  63. Whoops: Obama tells Colo. audience he wants more wind turbines 'manufactured here in China'


  65. Mr. President, Let Me Introduce You to the Men Who Fought the Taliban from Horseback

  66. The Occupy White House President has an Honest Conversation with America

  67. Obama : You Don’t Know Jack About Islam

  68. He knew. He lied. Here’s the proof.