Obama Twice Ducks Direct Questions on Libya Attack
Video: Obama Watched Them Die
Video: “If Obama Was White, He Wouldn’t Be President”
Providing Cover For A Feckless Barack Obama
Video: “Remove Dictator Obama” Banner Flies Over Obama Fundraiser
Video: Obama Refuses To Answer Repeated Questions On Benghazi
Will Obama’s Benghazi Cover-Up Succeed?
Video: Ad Compares Obama’s “Not Optimal” Remarks To Other Presidents’ Remarks
In Iowa, Disappointment With Obama Runs Deep
Will Obama Strike?
Obama Refuses to Answer Whether WH Denied Benghazi Requests for Help
Obama Campaign Email: 'Some Bad News'
Are Obama's 1961 Birth Announcements Fake?
Obama's Second-Term Agenda: Poison for Suburban Women
What a Shock -- Obama Doesn't Like Rand!
Obama Down the Rabbit Hole in Davenport
Now you stay classy, Mr. President
Obama still lying; He Knew Within Minutes.
Obama Seeks 'Flexibility' with Russia - Ukraine Should Seek Distance There from
Obama Cool, Calm, and Collected? Or “Potty Mouth”?
Media and Obama White House Continue Benghazi Deflection – For Now
Gallup: Obama’s Job Approval Drops 7 Points in 3 Days