Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Article Read (10-26-2012)


  1. Remember 'Dewey Defeats Truman'

  2. Video: Beck Breaks Down Obama’s ‘Lying’ On Libya In Fiery Segment

  3. Video: Liz Cheney Demands To Know If Obama Slept After Learning Of Benghazi Attack

  4. Video: Requiem For 4 American Patriots

  5. Mike Pence, John Gregg clash in final gubernatorial debate

  6. Photo ID card battle goes to Indianapolis federal court

  7. Eid al-Adha celebration in Fort Wayne

  8. Romney pushes ‘big change’


  10. DC Leaders Say Obama Has Done Little for Them


  12. Help Denied

  13. Daily Read – October 26

  14. Beck – Obama Has Crossed A Line

  15. Texas immediately defunds Planned parenthood after favorable federal appeals court ruling

  16. WALL STREET INSIDER: “There is power and there is POWER”

  17. Liberal Condescension Of The Day

  18. Flashback Of The Day

  19. Ugly: Liberals Turn to Dirty Tricks, Violence as Election Approaches

  20. Poll shows widening racial gap in presidential contest

  21. ‘Darkness Descending in England’

  22. Sigh…more fun…

  23. WebWrat gets hold of an Antonov:

  24. Muslim immigration as a gift from God

  25. Bill Whittle: Afterburner...

  26. Archbishop Chaput on the politics of abortion..

  27. OMGosh! Dan Riehl, of Riehl World News, is in the hospital. Very sick...

  28. Mitt Romney’s Surge With Independent Voters Is ‘Sharpest Tilt’ Since Reagan’s 1984 Landslide (Video)

  29. Father of Slain Benghazi SEAL Tyrone Woods: “They Murdered My Son” (Video)

  30. 800 Prominent Michigan Jews Take Out Newspaper Ad Endorsing Mitt Romney

  31. Romney & Ryan talk about the economy
    Obama & Co BS about Big Birds, binders & a TV actress’s first time

  32. Sherrod Brown Isn’t Working

  33. If Sarah Palin should “speak up” when her daughter uses an anti-gay slur, shouldn’t HRC speak up when gay Republican is beaten?

  34. Prophecy regarding the Consequence of the Upcoming...

  35. The Work of Belial is a Seared Conscience

  36. House of the Lord: Weapons In the Sanctuary

  37. Don’t Mess With Texas

  38. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Emergency All Call At Obama White House

  39. No, the CIA is not going to take the fall for Obama on Libya-gate (Part 2)

  40. Mike Huckabee