No, I wasn’t sick. It is the kind of funk where I started to read it seemed like the same old, same old stuff. I couldn’t take it after a while. I had to quit reading and shop for houses. It was fun but no money to buy, lol.
I don’t want to talk about houses but the stuff I would like to see to read. (You know exorcise the funk away.) I should say dream of seeing to read like.
- I would like to hear about Chris Matthews getting on his knees and accepting Jesus as his savior. He says he will never stray from real journalism again.
- It would also be great to read “Nancy Pelosi Retires”. I would be up dancing and singing “Hallelujah”.
- I would also like to read “Harry Reid Retires” after someone slugs him, saying he full of poopy mess. Don’t ask why I like to see Reid get slugged cause it is just one of those “just because” answers.
- I keep looking to read of someone “playing an Axelrod” on David Axelrod. Sometimes, I can’t help thinking Axelrod needs a taste of his own medicine.
- I would like to read about so-called journalist getting fired for practicing “media malpractice”. Their “media malpractice” could get someone killed, ruin an innocence person’s reputation, and get someone badly hurt. If they have a licenses for journalism, it should be taken away too so they can’t practice no more.
- I would like to read the full story of what happen on Operation Fast and Furious and Benghazi-Gate. It would be great to see people arrested for these massacres. I won’t mention names but Eric Holder is one of them.
- I would like to see justice where Obama is concern over the lives he directly and indirectly destroyed.
- I sometimes expect to read they put Joe Biden in a place for people, who are not totally there in the mind. He doesn’t seem totally there in his mind at times.