Saturday, October 20, 2012

Not Today, But Yesterday And The Other Day I Been In A Funk.


No, I wasn’t sick. It is the kind of funk where I started to read it seemed like the same old, same old stuff. I couldn’t take it after a while. I had to quit reading and shop for houses. It was fun but no money to buy, lol.

I don’t want to talk about houses but the stuff I would like to see to read. (You know exorcise the funk away.) I should say dream of seeing to read like.

  1. I would like to hear about Chris Matthews getting on his knees and accepting Jesus as his savior. He says he will never stray from real journalism again.
  2. It would also be great to read “Nancy Pelosi Retires”. I would be up dancing and singing “Hallelujah”.
  3. I would also like to read “Harry Reid Retires” after someone slugs him, saying he full of poopy mess. Don’t ask why I like to see Reid get slugged cause it is just one of those “just because” answers.
  4. I keep looking to read of someone “playing an Axelrod” on David Axelrod. Sometimes, I can’t help thinking Axelrod needs a taste of his own medicine.
  5. I would like to read about so-called journalist getting fired for practicing “media malpractice”. Their “media malpractice” could get someone killed, ruin an innocence person’s reputation, and get someone badly hurt. If they have a licenses for journalism, it should be taken away too so they can’t practice no more.
  6. I would like to read the full story of what happen on Operation Fast and Furious and Benghazi-Gate. It would be great to see people arrested for these massacres. I won’t mention names but Eric Holder is one of them.
  7. I would like to see justice where Obama is concern over the lives he directly and indirectly destroyed.
  8. I sometimes expect to read they put Joe Biden in a place for people, who are not totally there in the mind. He doesn’t seem totally there in his mind at times.