Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Article Read (10-20-2012)


  1. Liberal Intolerance, or How to Make an Ass of Yourself on Twitter in Five Easy Steps

  2. Binder Bimbos or Benghazi?

  3. The ghosts of World War II

  4. New Romney Ad: “Five Reasons We can’t Afford Four More Years of Barack Obama” (Video)

  5. Liberal commentator Alan Colmes calls for Eva Longoria’s resignation

  6. Joe Biden still can't stop laughing...during a breast cancer story... (video)

  7. Is Eva Longoria’s ‘Apology’ Sincere?

  8. Who Should Students Be Bitching At?

  9. Quote Of The Day

  10. Video Of The Day

  11. Hypocrite Of The Day

  12. An old warrior passes.

  13. Thanks, people.

  14. The horror!

  15. ‘White Girls Bleed A Lot’

  16. Why the hell do so-called conservatives tolerate leftist media lynchings?

  17. ‘The Rise Of The Nanny State – And The Loss Of Our Freedoms’

  18. I'll tell you what's a sketchy deal

  19. Survivor Ann Romney Attends Breast Cancer Awareness Walk in Florida (Video)

  20. Thanks Gay Patriot For Sticking Up For Me

  21. Director Andrew Marcus Talks “Hating Breitbart” on FOX & Friends (Video)

  22. A Chicago pol not quite big enough to be where he is

  23. These bumps in the road just aren’t optimal

  24. Only people who call gay Republicans “faggots” sit on political left

  25. Bewitched, bothered and bewildered by those binders

  26. Know The Truth – ‘Death and Deceit in Benghazi’

  27. Life Changers

  28. Daily Read – October 20

  29.  I have considered Matthews one of the dumber people...

  30. Useless news. Won't matter. The mindless voters ...

  31. Just in case you care, and I don't, Whoopi Goldberg...

  32. Has ANYONE ever seen a Republicans for Obama Poster...

  33. When the Nation is Thrown a Curve Ball— prophecy James Goll...

  34. It's Saturday...

  35. Opus#6, from American Perspective, threatened by crazed libtard...

  36. How stupid are people?...

  37. Hugh Hewitt says Obama is finished.

  38. Garris Elkins: Declare Your Testimony Into Your Approaching Future

  39. "What About My Word?!"