Sunday, October 21, 2012

Obama Drama (10-20-2012)



  1. The Most Transparent Administration in History

  2. One-Term Proposition (Video)

  3. Obama diagnoses his opponent with 'Romnesia'

  4. Our Ambassador Is Dead, but Obama's Political Guru Is Safe

  5. What Obama didn't say about energy ...

  6. Everything About Obama’s Presidency Has Been “Not Optimal”

  7. Obama: ‘Who’re you gonna believe; me or your lyin’ eyes?’

  8. Obama: “The Women’s vote is in the bag—I am too sexy to lose”

  9. The Obama/Media Plot to take out soon-to-be President-elect Willard Mitt Romney

  10. Under Barack Obama, Violent Crime Soars!

  11. Obama needs to pack his bags?

  12. Obama’s Final Report Card… We can only Hope!

  13. Obama's approval lower than when Democrats got thumped in 2010

  14. President Of The Free World Calls Springsteen “A Couple Times A Week”

  15. Obama Abandons Independent Voters

  16. Obama: 4 Dead Americans in Libya ‘not optimal’

  17. If Obama Loses, Will Democrats Blame Racism?

  18. Obama Attack Ad Selectively Edits Romney on Abortion

  19. Figures. Obama Campaign Spends More Than it Takes In – Borrows From Evil Bankers

  20. On the Gallup poll & Obama’s possible peak

  21. What’s your plan, Mr. President?

  22. No, Mr. President, GOP doesn’t want to deny contraceptive care

  23. Video: Crowd Silent As Obama Boasts “Al-Qaeda’s On The Path To Defeat”…

  24. Obama Today: Goes Crazy On Twitter Taunting Romney With “Romnesia” Attacks – Obama 2008: Denounces “Name-Calling” Politicians…

  25. Poll: Obama Is Even Less Popular Than Before 2010 Midterms…

  26. The Stimulus was a disaster but Obama is hiding the facts from you… and it is against the law.