Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Article Read On October 6, 2012


  1. Verna Davis: Blessings from God come each and every day

  2. Senate race pitting Mourdock, Donnelly tops $7 million in spending -- $2 million in past week

  3. Search for fugitives continues

  4. One Silent Ad Says It All

  5. Building your vocabulary...

  6. Planned Parenthood doesn't need taxpayer money...

  7. Something pretty for Friday...

  8. Stacy McCain: Reporting from Virginia. Fire-Code Capacity: INCREDIBLE Crowd for Romney-Ryan Rally in Virginia...

  9. Tell me again what Obama said about "math?"...

  10. Saturday Morning Critter Crossing

  11. Daily Read – October 6

  12. Encouraging Fraud

  13. Distorting “Facts”

  14. Daily Read – October 5

  15. Deleted Scene Of The Day

  16. Trailer Of The Day

  17. Bonehead Of The Day

  18. In the spin room, Republicans gloat, Democrats struggle 

  19. This little story says all you need to know about socialism

  20. Never A Malfunctioning Drone When You Need One

  21. Content Warning: Bacon Attack Photos

  22. Don’t you just love living in a multicultural society?

  23. Angry Birds

  24. Only 30 more days to go

  25. an earth-shaking fulfillment - J P Eby

  26. What sets the feast of Tabernacles apart - J P Eby...

  27. Soon Coming Glory - J P Eby

  28. Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda: It's Time to Seek the Lord, Jonah...

  29. Michael Ramirez takes the Obama empty chair meme to eleven

  30. Common Courtesy

  31. Are you allowing the opinions of others to stand in your way? Locked down by someone else's words?

  32. Reminded me of Earl Redlin

  33. Whoever said that Obama hasn’t accomplished anything in his first term?


  35. Your Vision Won't Delay

  36. When America Stands for Jesus

  37. First Post-Debate Poll brings
    FIVE POINT Bounce for Romney

  38. Lady Gaga’s New Upper West Side NYC Restaurant 'Worst Thing Since Herpes'

  39. HUGE, Ebullient 'Fire-Code' Crowd
    Cheer Romney and Ryan in Virginia

  40. ★Just Voted ROMNEY-RYAN, My Friends★

  41. This should be good news for Obama supporters right? Wrong.

  42. Teacher Ridicules Student for Romney T-Shirt

  43. NAACP Official: Obama Campaign Staffer Threatened Me

  44. BREAKING: CIA Turns On Obama – Indicating Significant Cover-Up

  45. WALL STREET INSIDER On Latest Obama Jobs Report: ” Absolute Rubbish”

  46. Virginia AND Ohio Leaning Romney Now

  47. It Wasn’t God’s Voice I Heard – It Was Yours