Friday, July 20, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (7-19-2012)


1)  Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has to be a apparatchik fool because he telling Ben Bernanke to print more money to get Obama re-elected. Hello, if the people don’t want Obama for another term, printing money isn’t going to help.


  1. Chuck Schumer Orders Bernanke to Print More Money to Re-Elect Obama


2)  Debbie Wasserman Schultz got booed at a Synagogue Rally. She definitely wasn’t preaching the right message. She claims that the President was a strong supporter of Israel. She was trying to be a good apparatchik for Comrade Obama but went about it in a meathead manner. She is also a hypocrite. She won’t show her tax return but demands Romney to show his.


  1. DWS….BOOED!

  2. Hypocrisy: Reid, Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz Refuse to Release Tax Returns

  3. "Unexpected heckling to her claims that the President was a strong supporter of Israel visibly upset and flustered her"

  4. Bonehead Of The Day

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