1) Toure is a disgrace to journalism and contributors everywhere. All this dude seems to see is racism in everything. It seems he has nothing new to say or to contribute except his racist attitude. He is a meathead and a hypocrite. MSNBC should fire him.
2) Rosanne Barr is a nasty hypocrite. She tweets any that eats at Chick-A-Fil deserves to get cancer. She’ll never be president with that attitude. People are tired of this kind of nastiness.
3) I kept debating with myself on whether to put Mayor Michael Bloomberg in here. As of lately, this meathead is making it too easy, he is on my last nerve. He says “I don’t understand why the police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say we’re going to go on strike” Ah! Duh! It is illegal for the police to go on strike in many places, including NYC. Can you say “vote this gun controlling socialist bum out of office”?
Moron NYC Mayor Bloomberg forced to retract call for police to go on strike for more gun control
NY Mayor Wants Cops to go on Strike Until Guns are Outlawed
Bloomberg Continues To Exploit Colorado Movie Shooting, Group He Leads Takes Out Full-Page Ad Demanding Candidates Release Gun Control Plans…
4) I understand why Obama picked Joe Biden as vice president. Biden too much of a meathead to plan an over throw. It Biden’s words that could slay votes for Obama at election time.
Biden Tells Firefighters: Romney Doesn’t “Understand What You’re All About, What Makes You Tick”…
Biden: “I Had To Ask My Wife To Marry Me Five Times”…
Biden: “I Wish My Kids Would Become Wealthy”…