Friday, July 27, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 26, 2012


  1. Romney Campaign Asks for Voter Probe in Virginia

  2. Chik-Fil-A Being Punished for Being Christian, Just as Predicted

  3. Sailboats...

  4. “United”?

  5. Dumber and Dumbest

  6. Democrats: Killing Jobs…One Business At A Time

  7. Daily Read – July 26

  8. Stuck-In-Yo-Head Of The Day

  9. The White House Shows Fear About Leaks

  10. The Olympic Spirit: Palestinian Team Goalie Arrested For West Bank Shooting

  11. 8 Ways Blacks Perpetuate Racism and the Only Way to Thwart It

  12. Religious tolerance, explained

  13. Drug dealers buying elections in Eastern Kentucky

  14. We’re forced to fund the Green marxist front

  15. Andrew Bolt on the Greens:

  16. Congratulations, Britain–you’ve risen to the level of East Germany.

  17. Crooks of the Worst Kind... Preachers Bilking the church...

  18. Homosexuals Show Victimhood by Seeking to Utterly Destroy Chick-fil-A

  19. Billy Graham cheers Cathy family, Chick-fil-A

  20. Dan Bongino – the speech that should launch him to victory

  21. Brown: Elizabeth Warren “a self-proclaimed rock thrower who wants to leave blood and teeth on the floor”

  22. Nation of Islam can open a restaurant in Chicago, but not Chick-fil-A?

  23. I prefer “eviction notice”

  24. Palin to Rally for Cruz in Texas; Dewhurst’s Desperation Showing

  25. Demonic activity and exorcism

  26. Same-sex marriage bill drawn in Parliament

  27. In honor of the three men who died in the Colorado shooting...

  28. I didn't Get this

  29. No Fear of Man!

  30. 'Didn't Build That'

  31. North Korea: 'Supreme Leader' Kim Jong Un Commandeers Army Officer's Wife To Be The Hermit-Kingdom's New First Lady

  32. Trusting God in the Darkness

  33. Miami Pastor May Lose Church Lease Over Sound Sermon

  34. Throwing The Dogs A Drone

  35. This. Is. Racist! (Or Is It?)

  36. May The Toys Be With You

  37. Drug Money Funds Voter Fraud In Kentucky

  38. Just Sayin’…

  39. Free Markets, Not Socialism, Has Enabled Canada To Surpass The U.S. In Wealth

  40. *VIDEO* Michelle Malkin Verbally Bitch-Slaps Tamara Holder On Hannity

  41. Your Daley Gator Anti-Obama Picture O’ The Day

  42. How do I know the Left KNOWS they are going to lose in November?

  43. Bob Belvedere: It Ain’t Over Until The Stupid Lady Speaks

  44. Mitt Romney Mocks Obama’s Latest Ridiculous Statement With “It Worked” Ad (Video)

  45. Romney Pulls Ahead in Presidential Tracking Poll – Leads Obama By 4 Points (48-44)

  46. Boston Mayor Mumbles Menino Says He Made A “Mistake” With Threat To Block Chick-Fil-A From Opening In City, “I Can’t Do That”…

  47. Libs Go Mental After Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Refuses To Blame Current Drought On Global Warming, Start Petition To Demand He Link It To Climate Change…

  48. Caroline Kennedy: Our Degenerate Kennedy Clan Is “At Its Lowest Point Ever”…
