Huckabee First Politician To Admit America Has A Sin Problem by Giacomo over at Godfather Politics
In the wake of the theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, many politicians and other public figures have made comments about the incident. Most of the liberals point to the need for more gun control while conservatives point to problems within our society as a whole.
However, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is the only politician or major public figure that identified the real problem behind the shootings and our culture in general. In an interview with Fox News over the weekend, Huckabee said:
“We simply don’t know why any person would reach deep enough into the forces of darkness to decide to kill innocent people simply watching a movie.”
“I’m not attempting to disparage the attention being given to the Aurora theatre shooting. We should all pray for the victim, their families and friends and offer our help for the physical and emotional recovery of the survivors. But the victim of a murder in a convenience store robbery or a wife who dies at the hands of a serial abuser is also precious life.”
“Ultimately, we don’t have a crime problem or a gun problem – or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem. And since we ordered God out of our schools and communities, the military and public conversations, you know, we really shouldn’t act so surprised when all hell breaks loose.”
Not only have we ordered God out of all major aspects of life, but the public schools teach that we are nothing more than just another animal produced by millions of years of godless evolution. We have nothing or no one to be accountable to other than ourselves. Survival of the fittest and the strongest rules over the weaker are taught as nature’s way.