Thursday, July 26, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (7-25-2012)



  1. Obama Was Ridiculing Small Biz Owners Not 'Standing Behind Them'

  2. Obama Thanks 'Gay Porn Kingpin' At Fundraiser

  3. Which Barack Obama Do You Believe?

  4. Obama: Astronaut Sally Ride an Inspiration to Young Women

  5. Obama Accuses Republicans of Throwing Military Under the Bus

  6. Obama: I didn't say what I said...

  7. Obama Keeps on Conning America

  8. Obama in His Own Words: 2004 Oprah Interview Revisited

  9. Obama's Regulation Con

  10. “You Didn’t Build That!”

  11. Another Obama Fabrication?

  12. Obama Crosses Picket Line

  13. Fading rock star Obama

  14. Economic illiteracy on parade

  15. Key Solyndra Players Reward Obama With Large Campaign Donations

  16. Obama on economy: “we tried our plan — and it worked”

  17. Student attacked by lefty thug for opposing Obamacare (video)

  18. Apologizer-in-Chief Obama: “we will never apologize” to other countries...

  19. Was Obama’s Communist Mentor His Father?

  20. Obama Campaign Needs More Time for Voter Fraud in Ohio

  21. Coal Miners Laid Off Due to Obama

  22. Obama Admits: Our Plan Worked

  23. Best “you didn’t build that” political cartoon

  24. Obama and Warren cribbed “build it” narrative from progressive Berkeley Professor

  25. Obama Thanks Gay-Porn Kingpin Who Organized His Campaign Fundraiser (Video)

  26. Busted… Team O Plants 3 “Surprised” Veterans at Out-of-the-Way Diner to Speak With Obama – Then Releases Their Bios

  27. Bummer. Team Obama Tries to Distance Themselves From Speech That Is Still Posted on White House Website

  28. Hilarious!… Obama’s Latest Ad: “I Like Small Business & Capitalism… Honest!” (Video)

  29. Obama Campaign Trots Kids Out As Political Props – Again…

  30. Obama Admin Sends Another $426K To Planned Parenthood, Third Time This Month…

  31. Libs Outraged Obama Skipped International AIDS Conference To Fundraise…

  32. White House Website Contradicts Obama’s Claim He Did Not Say “If You’ve Got A Business – You Didn’t Build That”…

