Thursday, July 26, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 25, 2012


  1. Tea Party Targets Farm Subsidy/Food Stamp Bill

  2. Poll: 8 in 10 Americans 'Frustrated' with Political Tone

  3. Violence and Tragedy in Aurora

  4. First tiny tomato...

  5. How the left ignores history...

  6. Not That I Give A Flying Flip…..

  7. ….shall not be infringed!

  8. 2012… Make…or Break

  9. Criminal Shot… Community Outraged?

  10. Daily Read – July 25

  11. WATCH IT!!!!!

  12. Bonehead Of The Day

  13. Feds Circumvent State To Fund Planned Parenthood

  14. Video Of The Day

  15. R.I.P

  16. Stewart Bashes Ross On Erroneous Tea Party Accusation

  17. Ask Not For Whom The Chicken Clucks...Khomeinists Fried By Chicken Crisis?

  18. And The Dreams Of Women The World Over Are Dashed! Short Smelly Communist Kim Jong-un Is Married!

  19. Polygamy Kills

  20. They Don't Call Them Killer Whales For Nuthin...

  21. The moral case for free enterprise

  22. How to save the life of someone who’s choking

  23. New RNC Video Ad: These Aren't Gaffes

  24. Anyone got a spare $9,000,000?

  25. Giving away the farm….

  26. “Breakthrough” my ass.

  27. “a good start”?? Keep dimwitted bimbos away from freedom of speech issues!.

  28. As Things Escalate...

  29. Businessman Takes Issue with Obama

  30. They Can't Steal the Election If We Vote!

  31. This Wasn't Supposed to Happen: Gun Sales Jump in Colorado

  32. This was almost the bestest day eva for race card playas

  33. Now Chicago Alderman seeks to ban Chick-fil-A

  34. Bring on the “you didn’t build that” counter-attack

  35. Why hasn’t Elizabeth Warren’s family backed her up on Cherokee claims?

  36. Please Sir, may we have some more?

  37. “Dewhurst’s Allies Are Throwing The Kitchen Sink At Cruz”

  38. The Natural Right to Self-Defense

  39. Just go home with your loot where the police can't get you!

  40. Court Agrees Greater Risk Of Suicide, Women Who Have Had Abortion.

  41. Danny Watson on getting priests to reveal Confessions

  42. The Whole Series

  43. A former Obama Supporter goes back and talks to her stupid self

  44. An Article on Getting out of Poverty

  45. A Room Prepared

  46. A Tale of Two Coyotes . . .

  47. RUSSIA: Fisherman Finds Four Barrels of Fetuses Dumped in the Woods

  48. God, the Devil and the ‘Dark Knight’ Tragedy

  49. Humpday History Highlight

  50. Orange You Glad I Posted This?

  51. Ashes To Ashes, Bust To Bust

  52. If You See Old NFO…

  53. Ed Shares His Brilliant And Timeless Article On The Stupidity Of Taxing The “Rich”

  54. *VIDEO* Molotov Mitchell: For the Record – College Is A Scam

  55. Lightning Kills 143 Goats In China

  56. Occutard Pleads Guilty To Attempted Bridge Bombing, Will Snitch On Fellow Occuterrorists

  57. You know there was a time when ass clowns like this would have gotten their ass whipped don’t you?

  58. Police Not Ruling Out Gay Hate Crime Was Faked

  59. Latest Polls Show Obama & Lapdog McCaskill Getting Trounced in “Battleground” Missouri

  60. Colorado Theater Shooting Victim Sues Warner Brothers For Making Violent Films

  61. On the Brink of the Socialist Abyss

  62. Boston Dem Mayor Thomas “Mumbles” Menino: “It Would Be An Insult” For A Chick-Fil-A To Be Located Across From Boston’s City Hall…

  63. Bloggers Beware: An Important Reminder

  64. NHERITED SIN (ORIGINAL SIN) Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden...

  65. Here’s Your Pen

  66. "Don't Give Up...Look Up!"

  67. Think Big!

  68. Visitation With a True Patriot