Obama Steals New Mantra from English Socialist Leader
The Vetting: Obama Has Demagogued Guns, from 2000 to Today
Obama wants to "review gun control" (video)
A President is Known by the Weapons He Chooses...
Pic Of The Day
Obama’s poll spending is obscene
Obama announces new education program focused on African Americans
Marxist Obama Doubling and Tripling Attacks Against Small Business Builders
The Gunrunner-In-Chief speaks:
Does Obama Incite Flash Mobs?
Obama fights 'oppression' by promoting abortion
Here We Go… Barack Obama Pledges to Review Gun Control after Aurora Massacre (Video)
Obama: “Our Union May Not Be Perfect… But It Is Perfectible”
Dog Whistle Racism! Obama Tells Black And Hispanic Voters Obamacare Is For Them…
Obamanomics: Economy Lost More Than 200,000 Small Businesses Between 2008 And 2010…
Dog-Eating President Gives Advice To Dog-Torturing NFL Quarterback…
Poll: Less Than Half of American Voters Think Obama Is A Christian…
Obama: “My Upcoming Birthday Next Week Could Be The Last One I Celebrate As President”…