End the Bush Era, Vote Out Obama by Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press
Today Canada Free Press (CFP) is launching the ‘End the Bush Era Vote Out Obama’ campaign.
‘End the Bush Era Vote Out Obama’ is really the first of many messages we hope to send from the ‘Send Obama Packing’ campaign’ through the CFP ‘Paper Boy’.
No one depicts the campaign better than CFP resident cartoonist ‘Dag Barkley’ who designed the CFP Paper Boy caricature to send the message over the Internet.
Barkley, whose other cartoons have been gracing the CFP cover of late, says he was “born beneath a loaf of ‘wry’ bread that took time to rise”. “A long-time patriot of the American flag-waving sort, his cartoons are about opening eyes to what is happening in the world, one panel of sadly true humor at a time.”
In the oppressive, almost four years since Obama has been in the White House, he’s worked to replace the Constitution with the Fundamental Transformation of America, to turn the 236-year-old Republic over to a Socialist State.
Obama’s message has never changed. Mocking patriots and freedom lovers through a Teleprompter, Obama has remained relentless even though his policies hurt real people through massive home and job loss.
Freedom has frittered away under Obama.