In Obama era, have race relations improved?
Book: Obama canceled Bin Laden ‘kill’ raid three times at Jarrett’s urging
President Obama Monitors the bin Laden Mission
Obama cancelled the "gutsy call" to kill bin Laden three times...
Amusing: White House forced to admit the "100% false" claim they returned Winston Churchill's bust is 100% true...
Obama’s Pragmatism Stops U.N. Arms Treaty — for Now
Obama is bad
Obama believes he can't be wrong
Obama's entrepreneurial Communist Manifesto
Why Does Barack Obama “Love” Colorado But Hate His Hometown Of Chicago?
Truth About Obama Confirmed AGAIN Year AFTER White House Insider First Told Us…
Flashback: Obama Promised In 2008 He Would Not Run Negative Ads...
Report: Obama Canceled Bin Laden Raid 3 Times On Advice of Valerie Jarrett...
Obama Brings Bubba In To Try And Salvage DNC...
Gallup: Americans Reject Obama's Top Priority...