High Court Deals 7-2 Blow Against SEIU
Fast and Furious, Beyond Gun Control: Obama Wants to Erase His First (and Only) Political Defeat
Will SCOTUS hand down the opinion on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) tomorrow...
Committee votes to hold Eric Holder in contempt over Fast and Furious
Here it is: Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) blasting Obama at the hearings today (a 'must see" video)...
Wow!! Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is my new hero...
Guilty Of Murder?
Daily Read – June 21
Contempt? Contemptible!
Why-I-Hate-Kids Of The Day
Flashback Of The Day
Is MoveOn.org Racist?
Murdered Border Agent’s Family Says President Obama ‘Compounding This Tragedy’ with Executive Privilege Assertion
Those Fast and Furious documents must be dynamite
Business leaders primed to oust Obama
The Trouble with Multiculturalism
Obama's America: Police chaplains told not to invoke name of Jesus for fear of upsetting other religions
"Barroso is a deluded idiot and the whole thing's a giant ponzi scheme" Not To Mention A Maoist!
Blog of the day - Executed Today
Holder lied; people died
Guess you can forget about that happily-ever-after stuff
Happy Summer Solstice
It is time to move 'Dreams From My Father' to the Fiction Section
House Oversight Committee Holds Eric Holder In Contempt of Congress, Full House Vote Scheduled For Next Week
Evidence mounting against Holder
Watergate Redux
The point at which England’s history ended.
How about some bloody honesty?
Appeasing blacks and liberals:
The Bully Emperor Has No Clothes
When it's NOT the Prophecy you Hoped for
Did Supremes Tip Obamacare Vote in Union Dues Case?
Democrats in Congress Won't Abide NFL Bounties, but They're Fine with an Attorney General Who Lies in Sworn Testimony
Elizabeth Warren would have a Google auto-fill problem even in Japan
Group analysis of Zimmerman video
#StopRush was infiltrated, audio recordings and other evidence released
Not breaking – No Obamacare or Arizona decisions today
moo goo gai gone
Preparing for Supreme Court opinion-release-aggeddon.
Matariki calendars from the Government and a message from the Governor General
The first automotive sacrifice
A personal God
What we need to pray for in America
You can run and hide or you can JOIN THE RESISTANCE...
Stand in a Sure Place!
2012 DNC Convention Schedule Is Out . . .
We must unite to defend ourselves
Crying for Community
Lana… Lana… LANAAAAA!
Philadelphia Police Officer Arrested
Humpday History Highlight
Another Drug-Crazed, Naked Cannibal Attack
Speaker Boehner: If Supreme Court Strikes Down Health Care Law “There Will Be No Spiking of the Football”
Marco Rubio Calls For Holder to Resign
Holder Slams House Contempt Vote: “Unwarranted, Unnecessary And Unprecedented”…
Hollywood Beginning To Wonder If Non-Stop Obama Campaign Fundraisers Will Lead To Backlash…
U.S. Civil Service: How Progressives Prostituted Their Own Child
Fast and Furious Falling Apart
Might We See a Landslide?