Sunday, June 17, 2012

‘Bite Me’ Biden Going Rabid By Judi McLeod


Something, I don’t understand about Biden cooing over China, is why hasn’t he moved there. Why is he staying here tormenting us? I truly believe Biden would be happy there since he seems to be in love with China’s Communism too. Not to mention, he would be making millions of Americans happy not to hear his ‘dumb blonde’ mentality.

‘Bite Me’ Biden Going Rabid by Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press


‘Bite Me’ Joe Biden is going rabid.

How else to explain that the Vice President in Obama’s regime believes that all the great cities are located in China and not America?

“If I blindfolded Americans and took them into some of the airports or ports in China, and then took one of them to any of your cities in the middle of the night just so that they could see it,” Biden said. “If I said, ‘which one is in America and which one is in China,’ most Americans would say, ‘That great one is in America.’” (Rush Limbaugh June 15, 2012)

In other words, Biden mocks Americans who would likely think all the great cities are in the United States, when according to him they are all, in fact in smog challenged, Communist China.

Blindfolded is a good word for the China shilling veep.

This is the message the Vice President of the United States of America delivered to a U.S. Conference of Mayors yesterday,  the same day that his boss advised America that his latest executive order would halt the deportation of tens of thousands of young illegal immigrants in America.

In the same speech to American mayors, Biden boasted about the 600,000 miles he has traveled “so far” as Vice President.

No matter how many miles he’s put in globetrotting, Biden has gone no further than his adulating school boy desk in the infamous ‘Drool School for China’,  master minded by anti-American UN Poster Boy Maurice Strong.

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