Friday, April 20, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On April 19, 2012


  1. Famous jailbirds

  2. Wow! Guess who was with Ted Nugent at NRA

  3. Look who's defending Nugent on Obama 'threat'

  4. Eric Holder warned- Arrest Black Panthers!

  5. Impeachment in the wings for Ahmadinejad-

  6. Why liberals foster a black 'thug culture'

  7. Bishop Says Obama on Hitlerian Path

  8. The 1% pay $1000 to shake Obama's hand

  9. Obama- I Wasn't Born With Silver Spoon In My Mouth

  10. Night Of The Sharp Door

  11. This has become a lawless, gangster government


  13. Throwing our soldiers to the wolves, to facilitate a surrender posing as a “peace process”:

  14. Anders Behring Breivik trial Day Four - NOW LIVE until 2am

  15. Never before has there been a generation of men so unsuitable

  16. Catholic Lord of the Rings

  17. Michelle Malkin’s Advice to Mitt Romney- Quit Calling Obama “A Nice Guy” …He’s Not

  18. It’s Come to This… Hitler Finds Out Obama Eats Dog

  19. Democrat Senator BLASTS OBAMA- Health Care Law Represents Obama Leadership Failure

  20. Liberal pundit wonders what Obama has planned for 2nd Term

  21. Daily Read – April 19

  22. Occupy Wall Street Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day With Vile Anti-Semitic Cartoon…

  23. Leftist Group Blasts Marine Corps For Reviving “Crusaders” Name And Symbols, Claims They Are “Fueling The Cause Of Jihad”

  24. Press Release- Sen. James Inhofe Extends a Hearty Congratulations to President Obama for His Big Green Failure

  25. Nugent Calls Debbie Wasserman Schultz A “Brain-Dead, Soulless Idiot”…

  26. Secret Service Prostitutes Scandal- Brothel Owner Dennis Hof Asks Government To Only Hire US Hookers


  28. ISM Exposed- How the ISM Sucker-Punched the IDF Again

  29. “The Top 10 Things Black & White people want to know about one another, but won’t ask”

  30. Oil of Gladness

  31. It’s Time for Republican Senator Richard Lugar to be Retired on May 8th in the Indiana

  32. Border Security-  What Border Security-

  33. Have A Seat At The Bar

  34. Humpday History Highlight

  35. The City Of Brotherly Gunfire

  36. Hugh Hefner Is Insanely Jealous

  37. Why I Love The Philadelphia Flyers

  38. She Has A Different Kind Of Joint Pain

  39. Han Solo’s High School Found

  40. Reinstating Peter - as a pattern for forgiveness

  41. Afflict the Comfortable, Congress Edition

  42. The Buffett Rule- The real war is on rich people

  43. Dick Clark and dancing with the refrigerator

  44. Rob Janicki puts the price of oil in perspective

  45. Ann Barnhardt on the Secret Service

  46. Group Politics and the Mommy Wars

  47. Another Internet Piracy Bill Introduced icon_rant

  48. Social Economics 101

  49. URGENT- Orion needs our help

  50. news Obama’s Favorite Republican Dick Lugar Caught Soliciting Democratic Voters’Support in Republican

  51. The Fool's Delight

  52. When #StopRush met #ObamaDogRecipes

  53. Etan Patz

  54. U.N. Observers observe but not for long

  55. Is “marrying up” really the conservative female ideal-

  56. Dick Lugar flailing with false tax accusations against Richard Mourdock

  57. It means they want your stuff

  58. Screw Business as Usual…A Fire and Brimstone Strategy 

  59. Standing on the Right Principles More Important than Ever

  60. Political cartoons of the day : 04/19/12  laughsmiley

  61. AIM Video Study- Barack Obama vs. American Values

  62. Gun smuggler released three times in botched Fast and Furious operation

  63. Rubio’s Vice Presidential Freudian Slip

  64. Reasoning Liberals vs Common Sense Conservatives

  65. Holocaust Remembrance Day

  66. Liberals Sure Do Like Their Women...Chained

  67. Why Hillary Left Bill At Home This Time  snicker

  68. Drunken Idiot Jailed After Attempting To Rob Store With Hot Dog Tongs

  69. Dumbest Terrorist On The Planet Turns Himself In… For The Reward

  70. Citizens Of F--king Austria Considering Name Change

  71. Recipes from my father laughthumb

  72. Nice to know it’s going to a worthy cause

  73. A very solemn day on the Jewish Calendar

  74. Snatching disaster from the jaws of victory 

  75. Best of the Best Ulsterman Report Reader Comments-  April 19th, 2012

  76. Bollywood Actress Kidnapped, Beheaded & Chopped Up By Fellow Actors in India (Video)

  77. Today We Remember The Holocaust… Never Again

  78. Holocaust Remembrance Day

  79. We’re #5

  80. A REAL Criminal Enterprise

  81. No Joke- Nancy Pelosi Denies Obama Is In Campaign Mode…  icon_rolleyes

  82. Occupiers Planning To Storm Shareholder Meanings…

  83. Occupiers Vow To Blockade San Francisco And New York City On May Day, Plan To Shut Down Bridges And Tunnels In Both Cities…

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