Thursday, April 12, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On April 11, 2012


  1. Whatever happened to 'Fast and Furious'- icon_rant

  2. State to feds- We won't cooperate

  3. Court protects graphic abortion images

  4. Jeremiah Wright- Unhinged, unplugged

  5. AG Beau BIDEN, Mandates That Sheriffs No Longer Have Arrest Powers

  6. Consumers more distrustful of paid ads than ever Globally, people are turning to friends, consumer reviews for brand suggestions

  7. Poll Shocker- 38% of Democrats want the Obamacare mandate struck down

  8. Ryan- Obama Throwing 'Tantrum'

  9. Tsunami Watch Issued For Thailand, Indonesia After 8.6 Quake

  10. Home Depot Founder- 2nd Obama Term Will Bring Despair To America

  11. Obama's 'War on Women' Truly a War on Romney

  12. 'Huckabee Show' Exec Calls Anonymously on First Day, Rips Rush

  13. Red Hot  Chili Peppers to Play Free Show for Obama Volunteers  d'oh

  14. White House Wants Vote to Raise Taxes

  15. Bill Gates Foundation Withdraws Support for ALEC

  16. Let The Trash Talking Begin

  17. Trivia Question Of The Day

  18. Obama team mocks, underestimates Romney

  19. Don’t Do Business with Progressive Appeasers

  20. ‘If It Can Happen Down Under…

  21. Horsecrap

  22. Aussies reject lying Welsh commie-

  23. Beneficial immigrants, instead of benefits for illegal immigrants-

  24. Pity that Rick Santorum didn't make it

  25. Car crushing and the Scape-goating Mechanism

  26. Bruce Springsteen and the Catholic world view of contrary positions

  27. Massive 8.7 Earthquake Strikes Near Indonesia

  28. To make winning argument on health care,Romney needs focus on replacing Obamacare–as well as on repeal

  29. Troubling Numbers for Obama in Poll Skewed Toward Democrats

  30. Daily Read – April 11

  31. Out Of Nashville

  32. Israel and the United Nations

  33. Charlie Rangel Not Among Judicial Watch Top 10 Most Corrupt Politicians

  34. Wisconsin- Trayvon Martin Supporters Vandalize Town With Vows To “Kill Whitey”… icon_rant

  35. Former Obama Mentor To Teach “Understanding Obama” Class At Harvard Law School…  fiery4

  36. Planned Parenthood Sets Up 40 Days of Prayer For Abortion Campaign… icon_rant

  37. Not News- Poll Finds Obamacare Individual Mandate Growing Increasingly Unpopular — News- Among Democrats

  38. SING snicker

  39. 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy

  40. Seeing Darkly... But Seeing

  41. Pastor Jones and Free Speech vs. Islam and Communism

  42. Wonders in the Heavens

  43. Entertainers and Sports Figures — Don’t Tell Us What You Do In Bed Or What Your Politics Are

  44. Racism- It’s What’s For Dinner

  45. If Christina Is Reading It …

  46. A Note On The PFD Deaths

  47. How much is your country really worth to you- [Reader Post]

  48. Harvard to offer course on understanding Obama-

  49. Reading Legal Insurrection is SFW in the 9th Circuit

  50. Stand By for important

  51. We got the wrong Wan

  52. Sen. Coons (D-DE)- Buffett Tax Won’t Balance The Budget; It’s All About “Fairness”


  54. New Jersey Hearing: Obama Lawyer Says Obama Does Not Have to Prove Eligibility 04/10/12

  55. Shoot It Down!

  56. “I Feel a Band of Love”  sm-Dance2

  57. Islamic Trouble in Mind [and a She-Mo Trick Issues a Warning]

  58. Killing two birds with one stone… and no fence!

  59. Faster than you can say furious laughsmiley

  60. A grand day out  laughthumb

  61. That was before

  62. Former NASA employees push back against climate change advocacy by the agency

  63. Wow!… Unreal! Eric Holder Praises Al Sharpton at Convention of Black Activists – “Only When It’s Dark Enough Can You See the Stars”

  64. Hero Allen West: I’ve “Heard” 80 Democrats Are Members of the Communist Party (Actually the Number is 70, Not Counting Obama)

  65. Tulsa Gets Both Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson This Weekend

  66. Too Funny- Even Communists Wary of Being Associated With The Democratic Party…  snicker

  67. Florida “Community Activist” Tries To Justify Saying “The Things About To Happen To These Honkeys, Crackers, Pigs, Pink People Is Long Over Due”…

  68. Mooch- “I Am Now More Popular Than The President”… d'oh

  69. Special Prosecutor Press Conference

  70. “How are my kids’ opportunities affected by how many millionaires there are-”

  71. #Scytl E-Voting Used For Mississippi’s Military and Overseas Voters During March 2012 primary

  72. Video- #Scytl, Electronic Voting and our Military

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