Monday, April 9, 2012

I Have Had It With Jesse Jackson


Mr. Jackson, you need to turn in your reverend license. You really don’t know who Jesus is because you wouldn’t be saying “Jesus was an occupier” if you did. Jesus was not an occupier.


Mr. Jackson, Jesus went out to do God’s business. Occupiers went out do devil’s business. Jesus healed the blind and sick, teaching about God. Occupiers go out teach social justice and tried to suppress the rape victims in their camps. Jesus cased out demons. Occupiers been trying to case out Wall Street, had at times kept people from their jobs, and block shipping. Jesus showed respect for other people’s property.  Occupiers vandalize other people property. Jesus showed respect for authority. Occupiers disrespect authority calling out “Down with the police”. Jesus did a miracle of feeding 5000 people. Occupiers don’t seem to care about others. Jesus walked on water. Occupiers haven’t walked on water yet. Jesus calmed a storm. Occupiers created a storm.


Mr. Jackson, Jesus showed compassion for other people. He didn’t beat someone up for fun or because they got in his face. Jesus didn’t go around causing violence. Jesus was a peaceful man. Jesus followed the law. Jesus was a uniter not a divider. Jesus didn’t go around calling people racist to hurt them or to get His way. Jesus preached love not hate. Occupiers have only shown their butts.


Mr. Jackson go enlighten yourself on the Bible.

I recommend starting with Matthew. You might learn something through what Jesus did instead of spreading your racist hate to stir up trouble. The only reason Jesus would be with occupiers, is to teach them about God and forgiveness. What have you and the Occupiers been teaching? I would say discord.


Mr. Jackson, God sees potential in you but you are squandering it. You are far off the road God wants you on. You have some major repenting to do.

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