Friday, April 13, 2012

A Guy Who Walks Around With A Bunch Of Bodyguards Criticizes Self-Defense Laws By Rick Moran


A guy who walks around with a bunch of bodyguards criticizes self-defense laws by Rick Moran over at American Thinker


If we all had half a dozen bodyguards to protect us like New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, we might all think that Florida's "stand your ground" law and other self defense measures were a "license to murder."


But most of us aren't that lucky - which is why most of us thank the Lord that we live in a country with a second amendment.


The so-called Stand Your Ground self-defense laws in Florida and some other states amount to "a license to murder" and an excuse for "vigilante justice," New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg charged Wednesday.


"The laws are not the kind of laws a civilized society should have and the [National Rifle Association] should be ashamed of themselves," Bloomberg, a leading gun-control advocate, said at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. "This has nothing to do with gun-owners' rights. This has nothing to do with the Second Amendment."

Actually, a "civilized society" would not leave its members defenseless against modern day Visigoths who rape, kill, and plunder at will in places like New York city where it is a criminal act to carry protection from someone doing harm to your person or property.


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