Sunday, April 22, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (4-21-2012)


1)  Barbara Boxer says any self respecting human being would vote for Obama. You have to be a self respecting American to vote Obama out of office. Leave it Boxer to be apparatchik for Obama.


  1. Sen. Barbara Boxer To Women- 'If You’re A Self-Respecting Human Being,' 'Vote For Obama'

  2. Boxer- 'If You’re A Self-Respecting Human Being,' 'Vote For Obama'

  3. Babs Boxer- “If You’re a Self-Respecting Human Being Vote For Obama” (Video)

  4. Barbara Boxer- “If You’re a Self-Respecting Human Being Please Vote For President O


2)  Nancy Pelosi is more worried about bashing Republicans than she with doing her job.


  1. Nancy Pelosi Celebrates Earth Day By Bashing Republicans

  2. Press Release- Toxic Shrew Nancy Pelosi Heralds Earth Day


3)  Jesse Jackson talking crap again. How can school suspension be racial profiling because all races get suspended here and there. In other words when you do the crime you do the time. It applies to all races.


  1. Jesse Jackson- School Suspension Is Racial Profiling, Caused Trayvon Martin’s Death… 

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