Friday, February 10, 2012

Top Pennsylvania House Democrat Convicted of Five Felonies Vows to Remain in Office


Top Pennsylvania House Democrat Convicted of Five Felonies Vows to Remain in Office by Giacomo over at Godfather Politics

Do you believe that a person convicted of 5 felonies should be allowed to hold political office?


Pennsylvania House Democratic leader Bill DeWeese was convicted by a jury on Monday of five felony charges of theft and conspiracy. DeWeese proclaims his innocence and vows to remain in his House seat and to seek re-election.


In a case that has been called Bonusgate, DeWeese was one of 25 people facing charges. Of those 25 defendants, 6 were legislators and staff. Fifteen people charged in Bonusgate have pleaded guilty


Read more: Top Pennsylvania House Democrat Convicted of Five Felonies Vows to Remain in Office

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