Saturday, February 18, 2012

School Lunches and Tyranny


I read a couple other articles about West Hoke Elementary School and the 4 year old girl. I think it is totally out of hand. It shows tyranny towards little kids. In other words a big bully picking on a little one. It needs to stop otherwise these people are going to take of an inch and head for a mile. I think you get what I mean.


School Lunches and Tyranny by Lee A. Heilig

over at American Thinker

An odd combination of themes in the title, don't you think? Yet, that is exactly what is at play at West Hoke Elementary School in the town of Raeford, North Carolina these days. A disturbing article proffered by Matt Willoughby of the John W. Pope Civitas Institute has highlighted a school mandate in Hoke County which has been compared to a measure reminiscent of schools in Communist China. The incident is centered upon the actions of a government inspector from the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised program at the FPG Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill -- and a four-year-old girl. If the aforementioned government title seems unduly arcane, you are in good company.


The recent events described by Willoughby give reason to shudder at the creeping authority we allow the State to educate and raise our children in exchange for two-income families, or increasingly, single-parent families. This program in Hoke County, North Carolina is representative of state and federally funded meal programs in public schools throughout the country. These programs were instituted long ago, ostensibly to ensure that no child went unnecessarily malnourished. As with all government programs, the budgetary discretion has increased, personnel managing the programs have grown in numbers, and there are new bureaucratic kingdoms within departments of education that insist upon perpetual growth and more regulatory power.


What this superficially benevolent program is doing is exercising its bureaucratic imperative. The result of its muscle flexing is the erosion of liberty.


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