Saturday, February 18, 2012

Reasons Not To Vote For Obama



  1. Obama worships at the altar of Obama.

  2. Obama doesn’t love U.S. His action says so.

  3. Obama hasn’t fired Eric Holder over Operation Fast and Furious. He says he still trust Eric Holder.

  4. Obama economic policy has been to borrow as much money as possible to reward backers and Obama-supporting crony capitalists.

  5. Obama waging class warfare.

  6. Obama has vacation more than any other President.

  7. Obama talks peace, leads from behind, kills from afar, and makes war more likely.

  8. Obama gave America and Americans more of the same, more of what he has given them since he took office.

  9. Obama has given us more debt, more borrowing, more spending, more federal government intervention in the economy at the expense of capitalism.

  10. Obama has given us more stimulus programs.

  11. The lack of transparency of Obama, the arrogant attitude of his administration toward the rule of law.

  12. Obama's dual citizenship precluded his constitutional eligibility.

  13. Obama insults our allies and makes friends with our enemies.

  14. Obama hasn’t condemn Occupy instead he embraces them. He hasn’t condemn them for their thuggery. He hasn’t said one iota or done one thing to stop their vandalism,  destruction,  and criminal activities.  Occupy is a threat to the people in the community they are at.

  15. Obama believes babies who survive abortion should be slaughtered upon drawing their first breath. He considers babies a punishment.

  16. Obama began openly shooting down religious freedom by imposing birth control among Catholic institutions.

  17. Obama won’t take responsibility for his mistakes. He either blames Bush for his problems or Congress.

  18. Obama is pushing to cut nuclear weapons by 80%.

  19. Obama has already gutted military. Basically, Obama is willing to see us not just strong but weak to be invaded by our enemies. 

  20. Obama promised that he would take action to address the country’s fiscal crisis. He has failed to do that.


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