Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Obama to reporter- I will unite America!


Obama to reporter- I will unite America! by Jason Mattera over at Human Events


The alternative headline could easily be, “Proof that the president believes you unwashed masses don’t remember the last three years” or “Mainstream media drone lets Obama get away with one of the most absurd statements of his presidency to date (besides the one about healing the planet, of course).”


The interview being referenced here is Obama’s exclusive with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, which ran late last week. Sawyer was attempting to goad Obama into saying that Newt Gingrich labeling him a Food Stamp President was somehow racist (it’s not).


The president took the loaded question and served up this:


“What the American people are going to be interested in is not these kind of rhetorical flourishes. What they’re going to be interested in is, who actually has a plan that makes my life better? The American people are going to make a judgment on who’s going to bring the country together and who’s dividing it? Who reflects the core values that helped create this country…and who is tapping in to some of our worst instincts.”


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