Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 21, 2012


  1. Pray For Our Brother In Christ!

  2. Is He Alive-

  3. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER-  “Pump and Dump”

  4. Taking Socialism Seriously

  5. Reports of the Tea Party's Death are Greatly Exaggerated

  6. Be Careful What You Wish for, Mr. President. You Just Might Get It

  7. 'Most Sinister Screenwriter’ Could Not Invent ‘Fast and Furious’

  8. EVIDENCE- Dem Gov Candidate in WI Sells Out to Unions

  9. Santorum Calls Out Washington’s False Prophets

  10. ‘Smartest Administration Ever’ Of The Day

  11. Greece–not salvation, a hostile takeover

  12. Screw ‘em. And the “prophet” they rode in on

  13. What are we educating our children to be-

  14. Yep

  15. Obama Continues His Reputation as Greatest Gun Salesman of All Time

  16. The Return of Jay Currie...A Correspondence with Stephen Hume re; The Heartland Leak

  17. “Placing Ms. Stewart on the same screen as graphic sex scenes is indefensible morally and legally.”

  18. Caliphate Conference Seeks to Islamize Europe, U.S

  19. Britain- We'll stand up for the majority - Minister signals an end to multiculturalism

  20. Pallie Cake Pallie Cake Baker Man Defund  Islamonazis As Fast As You Can!

  21. Netanyahu- I Was Right When I Warned About Arab Spring, “Islamist Wave Sweeping Muslim World And Beyond” A Threat To Israel

  22. Video- Allen West Mocks Soros-Funded ThinkProgress As a “Bunch of Whiners”…

  23. Occupy Wall Street Libs Protest In Front of Harlem Jail Against Racist “New Jim Crow” Prison System

  24. Democrat Senator Rips President Obama and Vice President Biden

  25. Santorum Doesn’t Go Far Enough in Attacking Obama Theology

  26. So Ladies, Who’s Your PILF-

  27. Bangor-  I Hardly Know Her!

  28. Caption Contest Winners

  29. Communications, ECM and ECCM

  30. As Good a Conspiracy Theory as any to Explain Obama’s Attack on the Catholic Church

  31. Oh What A Tangled Web AGW Fanatics Weave

  32. A Turning Point In History - Feb. 21, 1848-  Marx Publishes The Communist Manifesto

  33. ACLJ Defending 2nd Grader After School Confiscated His Valentine’s Gifts Because of Message “Jesus Loves You”

  34. Matt and Jen- Rick from Northern VA suburbs really is Ricky Bobby from Deer Hunter, PA

  35. Sheeee’s baaaack

  36. Unwinding Wisconsin’s success

  37. Been there

  38. Israeli Action vs Obama’s Inaction

  39. Paul Ryan- Obama has “paternalistic, arrogant political philosophy”

  40. Shrove Tuesday

  41. This brought a much needed smile to my face

  42. Whitney's Funeral Mass, Video Highlights

  43. Human construction praised by God- Jeremiah 22-6

  44. Busted

  45. Well, when you put it that way…  laughthumb

  46. Rome is Burning

  47. Foreigners should not be above the law

  48. Dishes

  49. Franklin Graham Questions Obama’s Faith – “He Seems More Concerned About Muslims Than Christians Murdered by Muslims” 

  50. While India Eradicates Polio Dumb Islamists Keep Pakistan Trapped in Dark Ages

  51. Here We Go- Obama Administration Now Says It May Consider Arming Syrian Rebels…

  52. It’s official- Mel Watt to seek #NC12 re-election

  53. Presidents Day- Remembering FDR’s victims

  54. Rep. Allen West’s Speech Commemorating Black History Month (Must See Video)

  55. Air Force Rocker Angie Johnson Gets Shot on “The Voice” (Video)

  56. Democrats Celebrating Black History Month, Part 2 (2 Graphics)

  57. The Righteous Seed

  58. Bad Behavior

  59. Daily Read – February 21

  60. Barack Obama Will Unite the GOP

  61. Cracks in the Establishment as Republicans Whisper About an Open Convention

  62. Re-Run Romney

  63. The Downward Spiral

  64. Political cartoons of the day : 02/21/12 laughthumb

  65. Important message to all my blogging friends

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