Monday, February 20, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 19, 2012


  1. The left wing death threat epidemic

  2. Sunday Funnies  laughthumb

  3. Romney loses important ally in Ohio

  4. Monday is the 50th anniversary of John Glenn's orbital flight

  5. Eat yer hearts out, greenies!

  6. Tilting at windmills

  7. Pampered kiddies don't like  Vegemite sammies for their school lunches

  8. The English version of Sharia strengthens its hold on public life

  9. Tired of wordpress

  10. How to tell when a politician is lying

  11. Sarah Palin- Newt Is Toughest Fighter in the Race

  12. Three Points about Obama’s FY 2013 Budget

  13. Contraception kerfuffle about choice

  14. The “Democrats’ Crude Bit of Misdirection”

  15. Lib Tool Bill Maher- We Never Disrespected Bush To His Face So It Was OK When We Called Him Hitler

  16. The Great Instructor

  17. Santorum Criticizes Obama‘s ’Phony Theology’

  18. Daily Read – February 19

  19. Female Singers- Who We Honor and Why-

  20. Distracted driver

  21. Priest Arrested For Praying In Front Of The White House

  22. NEWT- ‘Gas $2.50 a Gallon or Less Under my Presidency’

  23. Boehner- I ‘support’ Issa’s ‘efforts’ to hold DOJ accountable

  24. The Federal Reserve Rip-Off

  25. A Message for our New Members and a Special Donor

  26. Prayer and humility, part two

  27. Just Like Ontario!

  28. Matthew 24-4-14

  29. Right Doctrine

  30. + Martin Luther, Doctor and Reformer +

  31. Newt Gingrich- Obama’s Attorney Filed Lawsuit Over 8 Migratory Birds to Stop Oil Development

  32. Houston's death could spur lesson about drugs

  33. Locusts in the Church

  34. No Common Sense In Not So Great Britain

  35. Yo Gabba Gabbana!

  36. Race & The Multiculti's Gone Mad 

  37. Muslim States At UN Slam Gays For 'Abnormal Sexual Behaviour', Boycott Panel On Anti-Gay Violence

  38. Yet Another Taxpayer-Funded Vacation for Michelle Obama…

  39. Obama Unleashes Leftist Dogs Against Koch Brothers – Now They’re Receiving Hundreds

  40. The “Visitor”

  41. A Tyrannical Redux-

  42. I feel Santorum supporters’ pain

  43. Threats, threats everywhere

  44. Sen. Bill Nelson ‘Farms’ Six Cows to Dodge $43,000 in Taxes, All While Supporting Obama’s Spending

  45. Call Me a Fuddy-Duddy

  46. Now With Blogroll!

  47. Waylon Smithers Was First In Line

  48. Trouble, trouble trouble trouble


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