Sunday, February 19, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 18, 2012


  1. Obama's sneaky end run

  2. Project Gunrunner Wasn't Fast and Furious by Any Means

  3. Mysteries

  4. Try not to look cute if you don't want TSA to multiple scan you at the airport

  5. Prominent Republican Senator- “If Romney cannot win Michigan, we need a new candidate,”

  6. Surveillance Drone shot down- In U.S

  7. Dolphin bite- There's a medical code for that-

  8. Harry Reid Threatens GOP With 90 Recess Appointments    fiery4

  9. This-Never-Happened-Under-Bush Of The Day

  10. NZ military reported in training for Iran invasion

  11. What’s Behind the War against Religion

  12. Rep. Pete Stark to Join Thousands of Atheists at DC Rally in March

  13. Obama Administration Wants Suit Dismissed Against HHS Mandate

  14. Gay-Hating “Progressives” Out Congressional Candidate Sheriff Paul Babeu …Update: Sheriff Babeu Issues Response to Accusations …Update: Copy of Cease and Desist Order

  15. Kim Clement- Firepointe and Speed of Light- New Technology About to Emerge

  16. Brown is Back: Elizabeth Warren Trails by 9 Points in MA Senate Race

  17. Obama’s October Surprise Courtesy of John Boehner

  18. Santorum Becomes Media Punching Bag

  19. Paris...when it sizzles

  20. “Next week I will present a draft law to remove all churches from Kuwait

  21. Hamilton's School Board Race Pimps Exact Revenge On Hillbilly Heaven Owner's Son

  22. Phyliss Chesler- Why Multiculturalism Is Racism

  23. Obama- “I’m a Chauvinist” – I Want To Bankroll The “Best Stuff”…

  24. Mexico Posts Huge 3 Ton Sign on Border Reading, “NO MORE WEAPONS!”

  25. Santorum vs. Reagan on Libertarianism

  26. The Testimony of Prosperity

  27. Daily Read – February 18

  28. Obama’s Model of National Healthcare is Failing in the UK

  29. Make Way For Pot Force One

  30. Controversial Pat Buchanan Forced Off of MSNBC By Van Jones, Media Matters

  31. Who’s Giving Cash to Media Matters for America-

  32. Despite Olbermann’s Lies, The Fact and Causes Of Occupy Violence Are Established

  33. America’s Place in the World, and Why It Is and Must Remain So

  34. House Resolution Introduced Pressuring Iran to Free Christian Pastor Facing Death

  35. Santorum was wrong about the Wright-Obama double standard

  36. Yes, you can be conservative and not support Santorum

  37. Desperate Obama Goes to War on Religion

  38. Cartoon Round Up

  39. Pilgrim's Progress anniversary

  40. Coming to a school near you- the lunch police

  41. Three cheers for the Badger State

  42. Anonymous Takes Out the FTC in Protest Over ACTA, Google Privacy

  43. The Reformation that Answers the Prayer of Jesus

  44. Anne Elmer- The Enemy Captured the Church

  45. How the Republicans Can Win

  46. Romney's struggles fuel talk of brokered convention

  47. These pictures from Greece from last weekend should tell us - this is the end of

  48. Headed in SOME direction

  49. Now it all makes sense

  50. I was cut to the quick by this. It's the truth

  51. Thaddeus Matthews Kicked Off the Radiolaughthumb

  52. Do They Actually Have Viewers-

  53. Now That’s A Carnival!

  54. It’s Insane To Think There Will Be A Brokered Convention….Or Is It-

  55. "Every single move in the Obama administration's effort to sweep Catholicism from the public stage has happened before"

  56. PJ Media thinks conservatives and the GOP has a problem with sex

  57. Obsession- Self-Promoting Crap Weasel Wants Palin Suspended from Fox

  58. Pope Anoints 22 Cardinals Including Timothy Dolan… Reminds Them Red Symbolizes the Blood

  59. The Obama’s Are Murderers

  60. Breitbart on why the media tends to ignore Fast and Furious [VIDEO]

  61. The War Is On- Obama’s Gestapo Arrest Catholic Priest For Praying Outside White House

  62. Culture Wars- Han shot first, and the emasculation of heroism

  63. The new math

  64. The Propaganda Hits a New High

  65. Conyers on payroll tax bill- 'I did not read the bill before it was voted on' [VIDEO]

  66. Bizarre- Army orders combat veterans to wear fake breasts and bellies to understand how pregnant

  67. Tea Party and OWS Protest Side-By-Side Against Obama in San Francisco

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