Saturday, February 18, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 17, 2012


  1. The Boss fires Obama

  2. Catholic Bishops Teaming Up With Major Evangelical Christian Groups For All-Out Election-Year Campaign To Attack Obama Assault On Religious Liberty

  3. Mars Doing Away With King Size Snickers Bars And Shrinking Others After Signing On To Mooch’s Food Police Program

  4. Gallup Poll- Americans Say Ronald Reagan Best President Over Last 40 Years…

  5. Will America Once Again Believe Obama’s 2008 Campaign Lies-

  6. Colorado Student Who Refused to Sing Song Praising Allah Quits School After Death Threats

  7. Obama Holds Nob Hill Fundraiser… Massive Tea Party Breaks Out

  8. Political Absurdities

  9. Palin on running for office: 'I'm game'

  10. Huffpo Hosts Convicted Domestic Terrorist & Occupy Organizer; Still Threatening Violence

  11. Chinese Would-Be Defector May Have Revealed Coup Plot to US

  12. CBO- Real Unemployment is 15%

  13. Abortion is 51.5 percent of Planned Parenthood's Income

  14. Waters Silent When Confronted About GOP ‘Demon’ Insults

  15. ‘Tea Party Has Been Much More Effective Than Occupy’

  16. Gingrich raises $2 million in California

  17. British Paper Blasts Obama for Crony Capitalism

  18. Senator Mike Lee- Obama ‘Manifestly Wrong’ on U.S. Constitution

  19. Will Congressman Spencer Bachus Be Removed from Office by Election or Investigation-

  20. Speaker Boehner on Fast and Furious- ‘This Justice Department Must Be Held Accountable’

  21. Quotes Of The Day

  22. ‘The Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa’

  23. Unintended consequences-

  24. Perhaps we should all be truck drivers-

  25. ENOUGH, FFS!

  26. Who is this young man – revealed

  27. Taking the wind right out of the interviewer's sails

  28. Rep. Allen West- Democrats Have an Appetite for Slavery (Video)

  29. Figures. Dems Call On Christian-Hater Barry Lynn to Represent Them on Religious Panel

  30. Awful. Cofounder of Tea Party Patriots Says GOP Candidates are “Losers” (Video)

  31. A book I recommend...End of Days or ---

  32. Mexico

  33. Pic of the Day…

  34. #Fauxtrage Alert- Liberal feminista politicos stage whiny “walkout” over “no women on panel”

  35. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s 91 Seconds of Stupid

  36. Peace of Mind Comes Now!

  37. Sad Parallels between The Bahamas and Chicago


  39. Daily Read – February 17

  40. Is It Just Me…

  41. Stating The Obvious

  42. REAL History That Is No Longer Taught In Public Schools

  43. Maxine Waters Grins When Asked about Calling Republicans Demons Video

  44. Friday Morning Fantasy

  45. Half-Mast Idea Is Half-Baked

  46. Global Warming Lefties Commit Identity Theft to Target Conservative Think Tank

  47. Creepy- Google Bypasses Apple Browser’s Privacy Settings

  48. Capitalism- The Only Choice for a Moral Person

  49. Every Argument In Support Of The HHS Mandate

  50. Personhood Act Passes Overwhelmingly in Oklahoma Senate

  51. Pat Buchanan is correct

  52. Malaise and disgust in blog-over country

  53. Change I could believe in

  54. “truly frightening. Truly.”

  55. Just for fun- 90 year old couple proves you are only as old as your attitude

  56. The Sin of Lying

  57. Michigan Edu-crats Know Better Than Parents

  58. Weasel Time

  59. Training Against Terror

  60. The Dismal Failure of Obamanomics

  61. ‘Twas Our Own Who Betrayed Us

  62. Trigger the vote

  63. Politics, protests, and perception vs. reality

  64. That’s what I call teamwork

  65. When another step is what is needed - a word for someone who will read this

  66. Prophetic meaning of Whitney Houston's death

  67. Failing Our Kids

  68. Throw Out The Garbage…..NOW!

  69. Rep Marsha Blackburn in Savannah

  70. Weekend Caption Contest

  71. The Watcher' Council goes Linsane and picks its winner of the week!

  72. Lin-Credible… Jeremy Lin- “I Remind Myself I’m Playing For God, It Relieves Me of A

  73. Sarah Palin Tried To Warn Us – Obamacare Death Panels Have Arrived

  74. So much for post-partisanship

  75. Ego-Maniac-In-Chief Marks Congress Payroll Tax Deal By Citing Himself 5 Times In Only 2 Paragraphs

  76. Photo of the Day- Sen. @PattyMurray lies on Senate floor about “no women on panel

  77. Shameful- Reid insults conservative Hispanics by questioning Rubio’s Hispanic creds

  78. Big Brother 

  79. Romney Loses Maine- Maine Mess – by Design-

  80. RedState Reveals “Big Government Conservative” Rick Santorum…

  81.  Modern-Day Libs are Humorless

  82. GOP Establishment is Embarrassed by Social Conservatives

  83. Note to Big Government Statists- Leave Me Be!

  84. On budget, Paul Ryan is the adult Barack Obama claims to be

  85. Contraception mandate, like Obamacare, is anti-choice

  86. Criminal Socks It To Walmart

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