Pop Legend Whitney Houston Dies at 48
#Occupy — They’re not very bright, are they-
Won't You Come Home Bill Daley-
The Republicans in Michigan are getting it done. Why can't Obama-
‘Agenders’ and Right Wing Conspirators
When they came…
RIP Whitney Houston
CPAC Presidential Straw Poll
UN Top Officials brainstormed how to use green economy to redistribute worlds wealth
Sundays with Sherrod- Conservatives Attack!
Catholic Bishops Reject Obama Shell Game
NY State Sen. Grisanti, wife ‘beaten’ by Seneca nation businessmen
Why Social Media Was Slow On Whitney Houston’s Death
A pathetic little ‘man’
why not Sarah Palin-
The wrong question
Sigh…we can dream
Francis W. Porretto on Romney-
White House Says They Won’t Budge on HHS Birth Control Mandate- “Our Position Is Clear”
Pic of the Day…
Whitney Houston Dead at 48 …Update- Last Known Photos of Whitney …Update- Bobby Brown Sobs On Stage
Obama’s Chief of Staff Exposes Obama’s True Intentions for Radical Gun Control in the U.S.
CPAC 2012- Sarah Palin Keeps Her “Crosshairs” Squarely on Obama…As It Should Be (Video)
Top Leftist Blog- Obama Must Quash Religious Freedom to Save Earth From Global Warm
Contraception mandate not a social issue, but a freedom issue
Some consider this guy the conservative in the race-
Whitney Houston – Rest In Peace
My correspondence with Bashy
How does the State get away with grooming 13-year-old girls for illegal underage sex-
I see you making the mistakes that have made us less free
Sucking Up To Evil
Senate Dems Barbara Boxer And Jeanne Shaheen “Furious” At MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” For Opposing Oba
Obama Chief of Staff Jack Lew- “American People Should Be Pleased” With Obamanomics…
Obama To Unveil Budget Proposing Hundreds of Billions In Stimulus Spending, Trillions In Tax Hike
More Than 23,000 Useful Idiots To Demand Comcast Carry Al-Jazeera Nationally…
CONFIRMED- Actor Samuel L. Jackson really IS an idiot
I Won't Give Up
Sarah Palin at CPAC
Daniel Hannan & Governor Scott Walker at CPAC
Daily Read – February 12
Accurate Depiction
Breitbart CPAC 2012- Has Video of Obama College Days – The Year of Vetting Obama-
Let’s Hope The Alarms Aren’t “Maid” In China
The Asphyxiation of an Industry
From the “can you imagine if a conservative publication did this-” files
Live with these
“I don’t believe in miracles, but in your case, I may have to rethink that.”
The One We will Never Forget
White House- Obama will campaign on Obamacare
Whitney Houston Sings Star-Spangled Banner… R.I.P. Whitney
Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia speaks out
Michelle Obama speaks at Northland Church in Longwood, Florida
Nice People Write for the Guardian
Puzzle corner – Sunday Mugnificent Seven
Rest In Peace, Whitney Houston
Carol Kelley- Past Preparation Meets Present Opportunity
What’s Happening to Fox News-
Obama Reelection Campaign Trying To Make Him “Cool” Again…
Funny How This Happened Near Frankfurt
A Historical Perspective On Religion & Obama's HHS Mandate
Sarah Palin in the Belly of the Beast with Chris Wallace – Video
What is an