Sunday, February 12, 2012

Go Get A Laugh At The Flopping Aces


Flopping Aces has their Sunday Funnies up if you want to grab a few hahas.


Here is a sample of the jokes and comics on Sunday Funnies.


“The next caucus is this Saturday in Nevada. See, Nevada has something for all the candidates. It’s got legalized prostitution, which is part of Ron Paul’s campaign; it’s got a large Mormon population, which is good for Mitt Romney; it welcomes losers, which is perfect for Rick Santorum; and it’s got no-fault divorce, which is tailor-made for Newt Gingrich.” –Jay Leno    laughthumb


“Sad news for Mitt Romney. He drove out of Florida with a live gator strapped to the roof of his car.” –David Letterman  laughthumb


obama steeple



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