Thursday, February 9, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 8, 2012


  1. Congress OK’s Surveillance Drones Over US, 30,000 In The Skies By 2020…

  2. Decades later, musicians still partner with the human rights group

  3. Voter Integrity Laws Gathering Momentum across the U.S

  4. Operation F&F...Three Critical Questions

  5. GOP lawmaker took Onion satire piece seriously

  6. Last living World War I vet is dead

  7. Imams lie to Canadians about Islam

  8. Rick Santorum scores triple win, but no delegates

  9. Former Blue Dog Has The Blues About Obamacare Vote

  10. Conservative Group Plans To ‘Take Back The Park’ From OccupyDC

  11. Secret Service Apprehend Man At Romney Event

  12. Washington Post- Breitbart Editor’s Book Uncovered Nancy Pelosi’s $50 Million Self-Enriching Earmarks

  13. Ohio Dem Gives Occupiers Tickets to Disrupt Kasich Speech

  14. Greta Van Susteren’s “Back to Chicago” Moment…(INSIDER RELATED)

  15. Occupiers, New Black Panther Members and Union Thugs Prepare To Assault Conservative Conference

  16. White House Insider: The Obama Plan

  17. Should we laugh or cry-

  18. Re creating man in Hollywood's image

  19. Trump Thumps Rick Santorum- “I Don’t Get Santorum. I Don’t Get the Whole Thing” (Video)

  20. #Occupier Drives Stolen SUV Up Steps & Into Entrance of Pittsburgh Convention Center; Flees Scene

  21. Republican Leader McConnell on Obamacare Mandate- “First Amendment Rights of the Americans Must Be Protected” (Video)

  22. Rush Limbaugh- The Real Target of Obama’s HHS Birth Control Mandate Is the Constitution (Video)

  23. Mitt Romney needs to go bold — or go home

  24. Is Newt’s Political Day Done-

  25. When insinuation replaces argument

  26. Barone-  GOP candidates must remind young voters that ours is the party of options

  27. Personal Note #1–Those days when Sisyphus can’t push the rock

  28. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson plans to enter politics

  29. Clear Message in Santorum’s Tuesday Romp- Romney Should Drop Out

  30. It’s Wednesday, Romney Lost Tuesday, Santorum Is “Target”

  31. Romney Lies – Caught on Video

  32. Non-Worthwhile Canadian Initiative

  33. Bitter Leftist hack makes fool of himself in Globe & Mail article slamming SunTV

  34. Ezra Levant & Salma Siddiqui On Syed Soharwardy's Fatuous Fatwa

  35. In The Moderate Muslim Nation Of Indonesia It's Believed That Child Brides Prevent HIV

  36. SION Launches Anti-Sharia Billboard Campaign

  37. Go Grannie Go!

  38. BREAKING VIDEO- Tim Tebow and Tom Brady Register to Vote in Minnesota

  39. Obama Campaign Manager Promises Wall Street Donors Class-Warrior-In-Chief Will Stop “Demonizing”

  40. GOP Lawmakers Protest Removal of “God” Reference From Air Force Patch To Appease Atheists…

  41. Video- A president of the People, and for the People

  42. A thank you to the retiring Rep. Myrick (R-NC9) – PLUS- Rep. Watt also retiring-

  43. The Appointed Time

  44. I Stand WITH Israel!

  45. Daily Read – February 8

  46. Mexico’s Presidential Election May Affect You More Than You Know

  47. Humpday History Highlight

  48. No one should ever assert that Occupy protesters are patriotic

  49. Romney tells us who he fears, launches attack ad against Newt in Ohio

  50. Somewhere, Bill Buckley is smiling

  51. Romney’s carpet bombing coming home to roost

  52. Made for each other

  53. Racist “yellowgirl” html code-

  54. Fisking three dishonest Democrat senators on the subject of ObamaCare’s birth control mandate

  55. CNN Captures Church Congregation Laying Hands On Rick Santorum and Praying

  56. Mitt’s Problem- It’s Not Just the Economy, Stupid

  57. Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp Upholds Judge Michael Malihi’s Erroneous Decision

  58. Trolls

  59. How to save thousands of dollars every year

  60. Should Christian fiction be labeled as such-

  61. Sunspots 352

  62. Little Green Morons

  63. Attacks on conservatives increase as left wing policies continue to fail

  64. Why They Hate Rick Santorum

  65. “Thank You, Come Again” Redefined

  66. Bruins Goalie Who Snubbed White House Invite Hits Obama Again, Says He “Supports Catholics Fight For Religious”

  67. Victoria’s Secret Model Quits Saying It Clashes With Her Christian Beliefs… 

  68. A Year Like No Other

  69. 2012  A Season Marked by Ripening, Revealing, Reeling, Reigning, and Reaping

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