Thursday, February 16, 2012

Interpol Becoming Sharia International Police


Interpol Becoming Sharia International Police by Da Tagliare over at Godfather Politics


Hamza Kashgari is a newspaper reporter from Saudi Arabia. He was in Malaysia when local police, acting on behalf of Interpol, detained and arrested him. Kashgari was then immediately returned to Saudi Arabia to face charges that carry the death penalty.


What was his crime?


According to a report from Saudi Arabia, Kashgari was guilty of blasphemy because he criticized the founder of their religion of Islam when he posted the following on his Twitter page,

“I have loved things about you and I have hated things about you. There is a lot I don’t understand about you. … I will not pray for you.”

Islamic clerics have led a movement to condemn Kashgari for his comments. Reports indicate that there are tens of thousands of Saudi people have been expressing their anger and indignation over the incident. An online petition calling for his execution has already garnered over 13,000 signatures.


Read more: Interpol Becoming Sharia International Police

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