Saturday, February 11, 2012

Holder Final Speaks Truth


Holder Final Speaks Truth and Tells Congress Obama Goal to Ban Guns by Da Tagliare over at Godfather Politics

Eric Holder, the top law enforcement officer in the nation has a proven track record of lying to Congress and the American people. Some members of Congress have been debating on whether or not to cite the US Attorney General for contempt of Congress for his testimony, or lack thereof, before them on Operation Fast and Furious.


Ever since the botched guns to Mexican drug cartels fiasco was made public, documentation proves that Holder has continuously lied about his knowledge of the operation. Even when presented with irrefutable evidence of his knowledge, he sat before Congress and lied to their faces without batting an eye.


I watched part of Holder’s testimony before Congress and his whole mannerism was that of a pathological liar. One of my close family members is a pathological liar who believes their lies to be the truth once they leave their lips and it is virtually impossible to convince them otherwise. I confronted the family member with a tape recording of their lie and they stood there and denied it was them or the tape was real. I saw that same trait in America’s top cop.


Read more: Holder Final Speaks Truth and Tells Congress Obama Goal to Ban Guns

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