Monday, February 6, 2012

The GOP Shows It’s True Colors


The GOP Shows It’s True Colors by Mychal over at The Daily Rant

Folks, you’re being setup. I exclude myself, because I’m not fooled by this political MacBeth.


Camp Romney may be bashing Gingrich, but there’s plenty of lipstick to go on their pig as well. We saw what the Rove-Romney machine did to Herman Cain, and we’ve watched how their media marionettes ignored and excluded Jon Huntsman. We witnessed Romney hand-maidens tell the voters of Iowa, that if Ron Paul had won the Iowa Caucus, he was to be ignored and the attention given to the runner-up.


Thus there is a pattern of deceit and subterfuge pursuant to the Republican Party hierarchy. So hellbent and determined is the GOP to have the RINO Romney get the nomination, they are willing to sabotage one of the most popular Congressman in the Republican ranks.


I’m speaking of Col. Allen West, the Congressman from Florida. The GOP, i.e., the same people who are trying to shove Romney down our throats, in way that is reminiscent of the way they pushed McCain, have redistricted West, who is one certainly one of the most courageous Congressmen we have. Why, would they do that, you ask? Because, they want to make it hard for him to get re-elected, which is a transpicuous acknowledgment that the GOP and the party apparatchiks are not supportive of true conservatism. They are supportive of status-quo left leaning moderates who are able to deceive conservative voters. What the GOP did to Allen West is prima facie evidence of exactly what these people truly stand for. 


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