Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Foreigners Should Not Be Above The Law


This is something that needs to be thought because it could happen here in the U.S. with the way Obama is going. MK is right foreigners should not be above the law.


Foreigners should not be above the law by MK over at Right Wing Theocrat


Question for you good folks, say your neighbors home catches on fire and when the fire brigade comes to put out the fire, save the people inside, their children, cats and dogs etc; the local teenagers decide to throw rocks, stones and whatever else at the fire fighters. What do you think should happen to them? How about the following?


The Local - The Swedish fire service is looking to hire more personnel with a foreign background in order to increase safety for fire fighters in big city areas, according to a report by Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Television (SVT). .....According to the broadcaster it has become more frequent that fire personnel are attacked with stones and other objects and it is hoped that the new initiative may bridge the gap between the fire fighters and the gangs of unruly kids. Hat tip Andrew Bolt


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