Saturday, February 4, 2012

ACLU Fights Sunshine In Wisconsin Recall


ACLU Fights Sunshine in Wisconsin Recall by Steve McCann over at American Thinker

When should names on public rolls be kept secret?


Judging by the ACLU's double standard, secrecy is warranted if exposure might reveal voter fraud. On the other hand, if exposure puts marriage supporters at risk for harassment by radical activists...well, then, that's okay.


Unlike its apparent indifference to abuses of pro-marriage donors exposed in California in 2008, the ACLU pressured a Wisconsin agency not to create an online database to verify two million signatures for recalling Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, and four Republican state senators. The ACLU cites possible threats to victims of domestic violence. This might wash, except that the ACLU is also suing Wisconsin over its photo ID law that curbs voter fraud.


"The GAB [Government Accountability Board] is under no obligation to make it easier for stalkers to find their victims by having a searchable database online," ACLU of Wisconsin spokesman Chris Ahmuty said, according to ABC news affiliate WISN.


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