Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Yesterday, It Was Bats, Today’s, It Crows


Adrienne made post about wind turbines on her blog. Those turbines explodes. In her post she talked about turbines and bats being killed by them. It wasn’t because of the bats flying blindly into the blades. The turbines make the bat lungs explode. PETA and envirmentalist are not making any stink about bats. Aren’t all animals equal in protecting? I guess not. Some are prettier than others like blind spiders. You can read what Adrienne has to say about it at: Obama: Enemy of America...

Today, it crows. I stubble on an article in the Tribune Star (Terra Haute, Indiana newspaper) about crows causing trouble. Yeap, their doing the poopy thing and making messes around Terra Haute so some people started a crow patrol. When they see a flock of crows, they fire a shot up in the air from a “banger”. The crows are suppose to run scared away. You can read about the crows at: Triggering Action: Crow Patrol fires off seasonal efforts

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