Saturday, October 6, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (10-4-2012)



  1. “Obama Held Serve” A Phrase We Will Hear Ad Nauseam From His Media “Corpse”

  2. Obama Collapse in Illinois: Tied in District He Won by 23 Points in 08

  3. Fact: Obama Focused on Romney, Romney Focused on Ideas

  4. Obama Also Discussed Katrina Racism in 2005 Speech

  5. Gaffe: Obama Wants to 'Export More Jobs'

  6. Obama: That Wasn't 'The Real Mitt Romney'

  7. Despite Media Complaints, Obama Spoke 4 Minutes Longer

  8. Obama Airing Commercials in Oregon to Blunt Potential Gary Johnson Impact

  9. Obama Defends 'Death Panels' During Debate

  10. Barack Obama and the Mandate of Heaven

  11. Obama in Love

  12. We Have Been Duped: The Story

  13. Obama's Freudian Slip - He Wants to Export Jobs

  14. Does Obama want out?

  15. Obama's Got The Blues

  16. So, what does Obama do now?

  17. The Obama Myth Will Not Survive the Debates

  18. Broken Barack

  19. Obama Gets Snippy with Lehrer: “I Had Five Seconds Before You Interrupted Me” (Video)

  20. Video: Compilation Of Every “Uh” Obama Uttered During Debate…

  21. Obama Appoints Wife Of Univsion Owner To UN Diplomatic Post…

  22. Obama On Why He Lost Debate: “That Was Not The Real Mitt Romney”…

  23. Obama Admin Sues Arizona For Defunding Planned Parenthood…

  24. Obama: We Need To “Export More Jobs” . . . No, Wait…

  25. Obama Sends Bizarre Fundraising E-mail After Debate Loss

  26. Video: Obama “Smirks” As Romney Destroys Him With The Facts

  27. Video: Obama Backs ‘Death Panels’ At Debate

  28. The Debate: Obama’s Affirmative-action Performance