Obama, Romney clash on economy in first debate
Second Detroit police chief accused of sex scandal
Aggressive Romney puts Obama on defensive in first debate
Gregg, Pence at Rotary
The family across the street
Blogger Birthday Alert...
Romney's closing statement...
Andrew Breitbart...
Heritage’s Breakdown of the Debate
Daily Read – October 4
Pic Of The Day
Presidential Debate Open Thread Thursday
My Two Debate Questions
WHAT YOU DO MATTERS by Yolanda Ballard
Still I look to find a reason to believe
"Take New Steps"
Hello friends, Today we say to our growing blog audience that Obama did not get you a job
Veni Vidi Vici… (WHI)
Bombshell: State Department Reduced Security in Libya Despite Numerous Attacks
Oops! He Did It Again… Obama Still Wants to Export Jobs to China
New DNC Ad Whines Romney Was Too Aggressive
RNC’s New Video Highlighting Obama’s Debate Performance: “Smirk” (Video)
Report: Napolitano Misled Congress