Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Weasel Bunch Sings The Same Old Tune That Is Boring And Gross


The Weasel Bunch (Obama crew and Mainstream Media) have nothing new to say. It is the same old song and dance of of being nasty, trying to ruin people reputations, lying, etc. I truly believe they couldn’t come up with new material if they tried. Really, it has become boring and gross to where I am not sure whether to fall asleep or puke.

  1. Obama team: Romney, Ryan would hurt middle class

  2. NBC Political Analyst: Vote for Romney and 'People Will Die'

  3. CNN's Crowley: Romney/Ryan Is A 'Ticket Death Wish'

  4. Obama: Crude, Rude, and not very Shrewd...

  5. Obama campaign aides to reporter: No interviews outside rally

  6. Let The Ryan-Liberal Media Hypocrisy Begin

  7. Rallying Against Romney

  8. CNN's Candy Crowley on Ryan VP pick: "looks a little bit like some sort of ticket death wish"

  9. Leftist smears against Paul Ryan already flowing

  10. Media Bias in Action – Attacking Paul Ryan

  11. ABC: “5 things Mitt doesn’t want you to know about Paul Ryan”…

  12. ABC Wraps Ryan in ‘Conservative’ Tags… But No ‘Liberal’ Labels for Biden in 2008…

  13. Networks: Ryan Could ‘Destroy’ Medicare…

  14. CNN’s Candy Crowley: Ryan Pick ‘Looks a Little Bit Like Some Sort of Ticket Death Wish’…

  15. WHAT BIAS? Esquire writer Charles Pierce calls Paul Ryan a ‘zombie-eyed granny-starver’…

  16. Russell Simmons Plays Race Card: Romney-Ryan “Two Men Who Will Destroy Our People”

  17. The Always Increasing “Obama Lies List”

  18. Obama Campaign Manager On Paul Ryan VP Pick: “Romney Doubled Down On His Commitment To Take Our Country Back To The Failed Policies Of The Past”…

  19. MSNBC’s Shrill Elitist Rachel Maddow Finds It “Offensive” Romney And Ryan Kicked Off Their Campaign Aboard The USS Wisconsin…

  20. Obama Ignores Questions On Ryan VP Pick…

  21. MoveOn: “Paul Ryan Isn’t Just An Extremist – He’s The Ultimate Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing”…

  22. Media Matters Hands Dems 290-Page Opposition Research Report On Paul Ryan…

  23. Obama: “Islam Is Part Of Our National Story”…

  24. Democrats Already Fundraising Off Ryan VP Pick: “Yeah – THAT Paul Ryan”…

  25. Hilarious MSM Spin: Paul Ryan Doesn’t Have Enough “Private-Sector Experience” To Be President…

  26. Flashback: Obama Calls Paul Ryan The Architect Of “Thinly Veiled Social Darwinism”…

  27. Obama’s Racism

  28. About Those Warped Media Polls Showing An Obama Lead

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