Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Article Read On August 11, 2012


  1. Game On: Ryan Pick Begins Debate for America

  2. Ryan Speech: 'If You Have a Small Business, You Did Build That'

  3. Seattle's Great Wheel...

  4. Paul Ryan...

  5. Romney-Ryan 2012

  6. Ewww Of The Day

  7. WTF? Of The Day

  8. Bonehead Of The Day

  9. Flashback Of The Day

  10. The Latest Return Of Rick Lester Wright Senninger… Singer?

  11. Mark Steyn: Obama the great disabler

  12. Australia: Questioning the Islamic invasion of Australia is now ‘hate-speech’

  13. Joe and Barry react to the news of Romney’s VP pick

  14. It’s official

  15. Obama supporting Super PAC releases 290-page opposition research report on Rep. Paul Ryan

  16. Flashback Video: Ryan destroys Obamacare claim to reduce the deficit

  17. Perhaps doctors are a social disease, too?

  18. ‘Thousands march for marriage equality’

  19. Filth:

  20. Why are muslims allowed to serve in Western armed forces?

  21. Not really interested in your criticisms of the Ryan pick

  22. No longer on the donation sideline

  23. No one is

  24. Confessions of an Electorate: When VP Picks Matter

  25. The Lord is Listening

  26. NICE PICK, Mitt!!!

  27. Goldman Sachs Leads Revolt as
    Wall Street Turns on Obama

  28. I’m Gonna Love You Forever

  29. Your Olympic Babe O’ The Day

  30. Romney Raises $1.2 Million $2 Million Since Picking Paul Ryan

  31. Media Springs into Action… CNN Host Says Ryan Pick ‘Looks a Little Bit Like Some Sort of Ticket Death Wish’ (Video)

  32. Take That Joe Biden… Paul Ryan Loves Catfish Noodling (Video)

  33. Let the Smears Begin!… Team Obama Releases Anti Romney-Ryan Video Following VP Announcement

  34. Conservative Paul Ryan Fires Up the Base in Norfolk, Virginia

  35. Charles Krauthammer: “I Think Paul Ryan Has That Reagan-Like Quality” (Video)

  36. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER On Paul Ryan VP Pick: ” Obama Just Sh*t Himself “

  37. A Paul Ryan Photo That Will Make Tree Hugging Liberals Lose Their Minds…

  38. Let’s Roll…


  40. Chicago Values: 10 People Shot Over Past 24 Hours…

  41. Paul Ryan Comes Out Swinging Against Obama: “If You Have A Small Business, You Did Build That”…

  42. Busted: Obama Campaign Video Shows Pension Agreement For Man In Super PAC Cancer Ad…

  43. Garris Elkins: A Supernatural Staging Ground

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