Thursday, August 9, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (8-8-2012)



  1. Obama Campaign Downplays Fundraising Gap, Donors Worried

  2. Obama Plays Politics with 'Historic' Drought

  3. Obama Camp's Top Ten Most Audacious Lies (And Why They're Working)

  4. Obama Signs Law Requiring Administration To Release Sequester Details

  5. Body Count Rises in Obama's War on Coal

  6. Obama Thinks Romney Will Pick Petraeus

  7. Obama Says He Loves You, Middle Class

  8. Ominous silence for Obama

  9. Obama's Columbia Years

  10. Did Senator Obama dodge taxes on a $400,000 gift from Tony Rezko?

  11. Obama's Collectivist Response to the Sikh Temple Shooting

  12. Obama: 'I Am Not the President of Black America'

  13. Their Lips Are Moving…..

  14. Obama Picking Favorites: Occupy Portland

  15. The Obama Administration Pays Illegal Aliens to Come Here

  16. ‘Dream Act’ Deferrals Could Top 1.7 Million

  17. Obama SuperPac Releases One of the Most Ugly, Misleading Ads in Campaign History

  18. The remedy for white guilt?

  19. Here we go again. Obama fast-tracks seven new green energy projects...

  20. Karma: Obama re-election campaign admits they are in financial "trouble' like the rest of America

  21. ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

  22. Obama skipping big Chicago African-American parade, but in town for fundraisers

  23. The Obama Administration Pays Illegal Aliens To Come Here

  24. Obama Team Lies, Says They Didn’t Know Soptic Cancer Story

  25. In Typical Leftist Fashion, Obama Misinterprets The Story Of Robin Hood

  26. Obama Camp: It’s OK to Call Mitt Romney a Felon and Killer (Video)

  27. Confirmed: Obama White House Told Law Enforcement to “Stand Down” and Not Enforce the Law Against Occupy Protestors

  28. How about YOU Come Clean Barack Obama…

  29. Obama Comes Out Against Boy Scouts Ban On Gays…

  30. Obama Campaign Yet Again Singles Out Top Romney Donor Sheldon Adelson…

  31. Pic Of The Day…

  32. Obama Complains Mooch Doesn’t Make Any Money As First Lady…

  33. Obama Camp Repeatedly Denies It’s Familiar With Story of Man In Cancer Super PAC Ad – One Problem, Campaign Hosted Conference Call That Featured Him Telling The Same Story In May…

  34. Report: Obama Offers To Release 5 Taliban Commanders Held At Gitmo To Revive Peace Talks…

  35. Malkin: 'Why Mr. President? Why?'