Todd Akin Wins Missouri GOP Primary, Will Face McCaskill
Documents: Law Enforcement Instructed to 'Stand Down,' Not Arrest Occupy Lawbreakers
Speeding cars...
Coeur d' Alene, Idaho pitches the International Baccalaureate program...
Raul Labrador does not disappoint...
Chuck Woolery: Gun Free Zones...
Prove You Are A Citizen!
Bass Boat
I’m Confused!
Daily Read – August 8
Video Of The Day
Scab Of The Day
Yo, Black People… Feeling Used Yet Again (FINALLY)?
Screenshot Of The Day
Work-Related Of The Day
"They took young children who did not know any better and sodomized them"
Spengler: When Does Religion Become Illegal?
Menzoid: Horny Cop Caught Picking Up Ho's In His Patrol Car
11 Christian Nurses Poisoned With Mercury By Moderate Muslim
Happy World Cat Day
Lebanese demand end to anal exams on gay men - Police Enjoying It Too Much
Mars attack
To sleep, perchance to dream
A touching little story from Yugoslavia
Parents say the darndest things
43 percent of long-term immigrants are on some form of welfare
Classy: Chick-fil-A drive-through worker forgives liberal thug who verbally brutalized her (video)
Why this Afro American small businessman and life-long Democrat will never vote Democrat again
Why Public Education must end
We're Mad as Hell, Why Isn't the GOP?
Allen West Serves Chick-fil-A to CBC, Hilarity Ensues... Six Months Later
I Am Really Worried About This Election
Jon Lovitz: Obama rant drew death threats
Allen West serves Chick-fil-A to Cong. Black Caucus, impeached fed judge (D-FL) upset
Branco cartoon – Who’s Robbin’ Whom
Elizabeth Warren daughter secretly behind effort by Mass to register 500k welfare recipients (Update – Court docs added)
Help Anne reach the Big 250
Words, just words
Woman in anti-Romney SuperPAC Death Ad actually had insurance
Israel Saves Life Of Hamas Leader Brother-In-Law
Same-sex marriage causing Labour breakup
Google account holders - turn on two-step verification!
JFK Daughter Caroline Kennedy on Obama:
Bishop Calls on All Christians to Leave Democratic Party
A Death Threat? Jon Doesn’t Lovitz
Your Olympic Babe O’ The Day
Better Than A Vegemite Sandwich
‘Fast & Furious’ Gun Used By Drug Cartel In Plot To Kill Juarez Police Chief
Treasury Department Pushed Termination Of 20,000 Non-Union Delphi Pensions, Lied About It To Court, Congress
It Begins… Business Owner Assaulted For Posting Anti-Obama Sign
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Organizers of “Occupy the Truth” Peace and Justice Rally Sign Top Conservative Headliner
Obama…STFU You Lying Sack of CRAP
Elizabeth Warren’s Daughter Heads Group Using Taxpayer Money To Shuttle Welfare Recipients To The Voting Booths…
Shocker: Starbucks Appreciation Day A Bust…
Mass Mails Out 500K Voter Registration Forms To Welfare Recipients, Effort Led By Former ACORN Execs And The NAACP…
Freedom: From Inside Out!
The Holy Spirit Reveals Truth
Vote for Righteousness